Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What if there WAS ASSASSIN BOT? (Assassin's Creed reference...Kind of)- Crazy Ideas by The Blue Phoenix

till now AC has been a game where a guy from the present time goes to the time of his ancestors through a machine called Animus.....In the last AC we saw an end to a character of the modern age who was with us since the star of AC series....We dont know who will be the new modern day part protagonist.....who cares though...well...what if the tech has gone waaaay to far and makes IRON MAN type assassins!? are speculations for it's specs:

1.LIGHT SABERS!!!!....No modern day assassin could go out with out a handy dandy light saber.. right?
2.Super boots! the ones in portal!...who the hell would want to die by falling of a roof?!??! hide dead bodies......little balls lying on the ground are strange?...yeah...right...a man with weapons walking among the monks is not strange..
4.Hidden gun is old? fine...Hidden rocket launcher!!!=Noise???Phruff....=FUN!!!
5.Mind Hack skills!!!.....for locked door when u have no keycode? why kill the guard in the security room?
6.Ion Canon in the chest!...He need to be cool right?
7.Jet Boots!....for dodging from attackers on all 4 side of u
8.A cape.... to blend like a ninja even with walls
9.A hood Assassin Style!...and a mask that actually hides your face!!!!
10.Shockwave palms!....beggers bugging?....BLAST OFF!!!
11.Guns in the butt! solve those little problems while crawling throung a vent when a drone sneeks up....though of a butt bomb...but it was a little....unconventional...u know why..
12.eagle vison with different options
Last but not the least
13.HIDDEN BLADE!!!!....dint think of a good modern replacement...

That it folks!
Happy Gaming...andreading

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