Monday, December 9, 2013

The Air of a King Chapter 3 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Yo! it's me shadowheart and I'm back with the third chapter of this series as usual forgive me for any mistakes including typing errors. So back to the story.

Chapter 3

The whistle blew and all forms of chatter stopped both on and off the court. The ball was tossed into the air and both teams tensed. Just as the ball began its descent the two centers and captains of both teams jumped with their outstretched arms in a bid to outdo one another and gain ball control. King living up to his name won this confrontation and manage to tip the ball straight towards me.
 As soon as the ball touched the palms of my hands I ran dribbling the ball towards our opponents hoop to shoot. A 3rd year by the name Blaire was ready to stop me but I got past him with momentum alone. I stopped outside the 3 point line and jumped and made a shot. At that moment nothing else mattered to me all I wanted was to get this basket. It was like time stopped and everyone's eyes were just turning towards the ball. Swish......! It went in! We a rag tag team made of freshmen drew first blood and scored first against the national champs.
We had no time to celebrate. For now our opponents had possession of the ball and we had to be ready on defense.  But we did allow ourselves a small smile for our opponents had finally stopped smiling and were now dead serious. Seems like they no longer looked at us as prey to toy around with but now saw us as a predator that was in their territory. For us the freshmen team the game had just begun.
The ball was in the hands of the person nicknamed the 'Child of God' Sakeru. He was the MVP of the nationals and was the PG of the best team around. He slowly dribbled towards us, assessing our defense how we stood, where we stood. Rocky the center of their team as well as the rest was already present at our end along with the rest asking for a pass, wanting to redeem himself for losing the ball at the beginning.
Suddenly, Sakeru shot forward like a bullet dribbling with unbelievable skill . He easily got past Apollo and Zantek. But everyone had their own walls and hardships to face, even a genius like Sakeru. His wall came in the form of Shantz our defense specialist. He was like a wall. Sakeru was having a hard time against him, he was that good. But Sakeru simply smiled and said," If this were a one-on-one you might have stopped me but this is a full game, you won't beat anyone alone." and saying so he sent the ball sailing towards Rocky who instantly smashed into the hoop with a resounding thud.
This was going to be really hard, an uphill battle so to speak. Although, the level in skills was pretty different and evident, we weren't down in fact we relished the thought of it. Right then all we wanted to do was pay them back in full and with interest.
Unfortunately, not everything in life goes according to plan. thanks to that little shot of mine at the beginning the seniors were now aware of me and didn't let me shoot no matter what. All I could do was dribble and pass. Some passes were good but some were intercepted. It wasn't that I was bad, it's just these were the national champs they were way to good. They were ripping us apart. We managed to hang on to their coat tails all thanks to Zantek and Appolo. These were like shooting machines. They could shoot from almost anywhere under the basket. They were shooting so much that they gained the nickname of the 'Shooting Cannons' of the Empire on that very day. Shantz and King did their best on defense while I helped on both fronts. The First quarter was nearing completion when the real problem started. All of us were running out of stamina. Me and Zantek especially. He was shooting like a maniac and I was battling on two fronts. The whistle announcing the end of the 1st quarter saved us.
We somehow got back to our bench, dragging our feet. Zantek promptly collapsed onto the chair. I didn't do much better. The other 1st years who weren't playing helped out a lot by getting us towels and trying to keep our spirits up but we had a serious problem. Zantek was in no condition to play right now, we were a player short. But we couldn't ask these guys to play they were terrified as it is. There is a saying that help always comes at the time when most required and in the strangest ways. For us it was BS the shorty whose position was unknown and who had stepped up to play in the beginning but was missed due to his height. He stood there in front of us and said," I could help. I'm a passing and intercepting specialist. If Raiju plays more offensively then he can decrease the burden on Apollo and Zantek can even rest up." This was the only explanation he offered, no one and I mean no one understood what he said except King. The dude just smiled and told us," I get it. Alright, for this quarter Knight(Raiju) you'll shoot more, I know you can't concentrate on passing and shooting at the same time but you don't have to leave the passing to BS. I've heard of him before. Just send a pass towards one of us and leave the rest to him. So get on court." The rest of the guys went on to court when King clasped my shoulders and whispered to me," Look I know you're tired, but I need you on the court if we are going to get back into this game. These guys have accepted you as the ace as have I. Your role is to protect us and save us when were in a pinch. We are the Empire and you are the Knight of this empire. Strike for us and strike deep into the heart of our opponent. I leave it to you Knight and Ace" I smiled at this and answered the only way I could," With pleasure King and captain."
We walked on to the court for the 2nd quarter. The game would soon be enveloped in a storm full of lightning and strong winds, and the origin of that storm was going to be me Raiju Knight (his first name means lightning beast).

This is the end of the third chapter. I'll be sure to update the fourth chapter is a few days time.

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