Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Air of a King chapter 1 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Well, I'm a classmate of the screechdrummer. This story is a first for me, so I hope everyone who reads this forgives me for any error and post any request or suggestion to make this story better. By the way my pen name is Shadowheart.

Rrrrrrring ........ Rrrrriiiinggg

"Aaahhhhh! What a horrible alarm clock! It is the worst thing to ever enter this household."

That was my mother, insulting my alarm clock for the 100th time this month. But it was the only clock that got the job of waking me up in the morning right. Anyway, small talk aside, the name's Raiju Knight. Both my parents are English but my father's an animator by profession, hence the japanese side to my name. My friends whenever I had any called me Rai or just Knight. Made things a lot simpler for me and the guys around me.  

So, enough with the introductions and all, I'll explain the rest on the way. On my way to school that is.See my father recently got an amazing job in this new town which he naturally accepted. Which leaves me, a teenager(oh! I forgot to tell you I'm fifteen years old) , in a new town, a new school and with absolutely no friends. On the bright side, my new school, or high school I should say, was 'The Games High'. As the name suggests, it's all about sports, this gave me a chance to learn and play some amazing basketball, my favorite sport and my only passion. 

I told my parents that I was leaving and went on my way to school as I would for the next 3 years to come. On the way to school, I was just walking without paying much attention to my surroundings when suddenly 'Bammmm!' somebody knocked into me, leaving us both sprawling on the road. Once my head cleared, I looked at the person who had crashed into me. The dude was tall. Easily a good 3 inches taller than me (I'm 5'9'') his hair was blonde in contrast to my jet black hair. We both apologized to one another then even put the blame on one another. The guy introduced himself as Edward King and I introduced myself as well. I noticed that he was wearing the same uniform as I was. I then looked at my watch and then looked at him. We both knew what time it was, basically we were late on our first day of school. We ran towards the school gate like there was no tomorrow and barely made it in, but the morning assembly had already begun. At that moment all I could think was 'Oh damn! this is so not good'

Later, both of us got scolded and told off like crazy, although we managed to avoid any kind of strict punishment. 

The best thing about this place was that everyday in the afternoon there were no studies, just sports, which we would choose for ourselves and give our all towards. Throughout the morning, I had only one wish, that was to get onto the basketball court and play how much ever I wanted. I was looking forward to this afternoon. Who knew that there was another five people apart form me thinking the same thing, that we six would soon be thrown into a world like we have never seen before and that we six would start a journey like none other.

more soon..."Shadowheart"

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