Friday, December 6, 2013

The Air of a King chapter 2 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

So, dear viewers it's me shadowheart and i'm back with the second chapter of my story and I honestly hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 2

That day I had my lunch as quickly as I could and made my way towards the basketball courts. When I got there I felt like I was in heaven or at least my version of it. The place had four courts in all gleaming with wooden floors with freshly painted lines and gleaming as though they had been recently cleaned. the balls were packed in huge trolleys and all courts were covered on all four sides with stands and a gallery, just to top it off. But the magical moment of taking it all in was spoiled by a certain someone, the one and only Edward King who came in crashing into me with the momentum of a fired bullet. Instead of apologizing to me all he said was that it was payback for that morning although I have no clue how that incident was my fault.
Just then a howl rippled across the courts. The origin of the sound was a human, a 3rd year to be precise.  It was the club members both old and new. At the forefront of this procession was the regular team, the Empire. They were the national champs for two years running and would soon be going to the next stage or the next age group since they were no longer eligible for the current one. I just stood their shaking in both fear and excitement, this air of a king that they emitted was what I was aiming for, all I wanted to do was challenge them at that moment. Who knew that my wish would soon be granted.
The guy who had howled ordered us 1st years to stand in line and introduce ourselves, as well as what position we played. Honestly, most of the 1st years were pretty plane maybe their were good but among them six people including me stood out and one of these six not for the right reasons. They were King(center), Apollo (Shooting guard), Zantek (power forward), Shantz (Small forward), myself (Point Guard) and a really short and unnoticeable guy by the name BS (??????). I had no idea why but these were the names that kind of stuck in my head, the rest I naturally forgot.
" So how's the bunch this time Sakeru." the words came from the mouth of our coach who had just arrived. Now, Sakeru wasn't the captain but the guy Rocky was, Sakeru or as he was known as the 'Child of God' was the ace of the current team and was one of the best players I have ever heard of. "No clue, coach" was all he said with a rather mischievous smile. The coach then looked at us all and beckoned to the varsity team to come towards him. I had no clue what he told them but they all got a nasty smile as though they were about to have a lot of fun.Rocky then said," Sure Coach should be fun."
" Alright, all first years here me out pick five to seven of yourselves and get warmed up' cause you're about to face the national champs in a game, a full one hour one mind you." was what the coached announced.
Everyone stepped back, first years that is, except the five of us and a sixth player who we missed at the time. When I say the five of us I mean the five names I mentioned excluding BS. I realized one thing at that second these five were going to be my teammates and friends for a long time. The coach smiled looking at us and said " Game begins in a half an hour warm up on court 4 and then step up to court 1. I'll be waiting" We did as we were told and started getting warmed up individually at our designated court. Five minutes before crunch time King gathered the five of us together and said " If you guys don't mind could you mention your special skills so that we are all on the same page and that we have a better chance to beat these smug looking guys." We did as he asked and I found out that Zantek was good under the hoop, while Apollo was originally a point guard so both could drive and shoot from the 3p line. King was a center as he said, Shantz was surprisingly a defense specialist, and I was a bit of a cross between a Shooting guard and point guard since I preferred shooting form the 3p line. At this it dawned on me that King was actually a natural captain and was already managing us all with ease without rubbing off us the wrong way.
 So I said "King, you be the captain you're probably best suited for this role. As for strategies, leave it to me as the point guard and I promise to do my best." No one argued with this, we were already forming a team.
Coach then called us over to court one and told us to get ready. King took me aside and said," I trust you to do what's best. Remember, I am the king and you are the knight , if I pull the team from the front then you push it from the back.I leave the ball to you Knight" All that I could say to this was," Sure King."
We all readied ourselves for the first game of our high school career King stood in the center facing off against Rocky waiting for the ball to be tossed. Time slowed down, the whistle blew and the ball was tossed. The game had begun.
So this is my second chapter I'll update the third chapter soon so, wait for me.

1 comment:

  1. The best stories are the ones where the END does not really end, the story keeps lingering in the readers mind.

    Keep have a flair for it and do stay original.
