Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Air of a King Chapter 4 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Now your guys should know me well enough so let's cut to the chase and get back to the story.

Chapter 4

The second quarter saw us with a new line up. BS, the mystery player, came in place of one of our two shooting comets, Zantek. I had no clue what kind of player this guy was and my dear captain refused to say anything even though he acted like he knew something about this guy.
The shrill sound of the whistle echoed across the entire court as King entrusted me with the ball. I surged forward in the hope that I would catch our opponents by surprise, but had no luck. They were prepared and showed no signs of letting up even though they were ahead. This was the act of a true champion and I respected them for that but right then I only had the wish to score. Our opponents were fully prepared for my rush and tried to stop me. This didn't stop me. I rushed through them like it was nothing but was immediately stopped by Sakeru. I knew that my chances of beating him one on-one were slim, not zero mind you but as close as you could get. I passed the ball towards King without any hesitation. They were ready for it and were about to intercept it . The only factor that was not in place in anyone's calculations even mine was BS. He appeared out of almost nowhere and redirected the pass back towards me. The defense of our opponents was drawn to stop King leaving me free outside the 3 point line. BS with his unique play had bought me a few moments to shoot which was enough for me. I made the basket and earned our team a good 3 points.
While switching to defense, another miracle occurred. The source of this one was once again BS.The seniors failed to notice him and he immediately intercepted the ball which would have otherwise ended up in the hands of Sakeru. He swiftly passed the ball to Apollo who made another two pointer with ease. It was at this point that I figured out what was this mystery man's ability. It was misdirection. Simply put he could hide his presence, make the opposition and his own teammates not notice that he was there. It's not that he was disappearing but he was walking around in our blind spots, taking advantage of his small stature. This ability of his was of immense help both on offense and defense. Half way through the 2nd quarter we caught up with our opponents. It was around this time that I noticed that BS's ability was extremely taxing for him. The poor guy played for around 8 minutes and was sweaty more than me and the rat of the team. I told King to take a time out.  Thankfully he did as I requested giving BS a few moments to recover. I looked at him, I could only think back to he trust and faith King had put in me at the beginning of the 2nd quarter and told BS,"Concentrate on defense, alright, leave the offence to me and the others. Just get me the ball I'll make sure that we get the points." I don't know whether that calmed him down or agitated him even more for his face was expressionless, but he smiled and said something that was very similar to what King had said. It was," I trust you, ace."
Time out ended. I knew that I had to step up my game, I had made a promise not just to King or BS but to the rest of the team, something which was not to be taken lightly. The minute I was handed the ball I headed towards my Sakeru. If I wanted to keep my promise I had to beat this guy first. I launched myself towards him dribbling in a way I was perfectly comfortable with. He tried to stop me, I feinted left. He figured out my move and moved in the opposite direction, I then feinted right and moved left in one smooth motion. This caught him by surprise and I got past him to score an easy two pointer.  The rest of the 2nd quarter I played like never before. I shot 3 pointers one after another, getting past all my opponents. Even Sakeru could no longer stop me. We were ahead in the score nearing the end of the quarter but just barely.
This was where our good run ended. BS was completely drained, he could no longer even use misdirection properly anymore. But the real problem wasn't even him. It was me. Apart from being extremely tired, I was also now experiencing severe cramps in my right leg, and to add to I twisted my right wrist. Coach blew the whistle to announce the end of the 2nd quarter. I somehow got back to the bench without limping or showing any signs of injury. As soon  as I reached the bench I asked for some ice to cool my wrist. It was definitely not even a solution but was at least better than nothing. King looked at me and was about to say something, but I cut him off by saying," I can still play take BS off and replace him with Zantek. It's the only way we can win." I looked towards Apollo and continued," I'm gonna need your help. You'll have to help me in getting the ball across the court leave shooting as it was in the 1st quarter. Shantz don't participate in the offence at all just defend with everything you have. Your defense may just save us yet." King didn't say anything for a moment  but sighed and said," Alright, I'll let you play but if your leg and wrist get worse we'll forfeit this game. There is absolutely no point in continuing this game of it harms our ace. " Everyone nodded their heads in agreement at this. Shantz in reply to my statement said," Leave defense to me I'll stop with everything I have and more."Apollo said," I'll help you get the ball forward, as for shooting get the ball to me, Zantek or King, we'll definitely score." We were all smiling at this. In less than an hour all six of us had formed a team that played like one and not just like individuals on the same court. Our situation was bleak but we weren't feeling down for we had complete faith in our abilities. We weren't going down without a fight, no way in hell.
The seniors were going to have their hands full and the reason was going to be their soon to be successors.

This is the end of the fourth chapter of this story. Wait and see what happens to our protagonists, in the next chapter of The Air of a King. 

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