Sunday, December 8, 2013

Snow White's Sorrow (POEM by SCREECH)

hey people...I'm back with another lyrical composition...some of you may know about the sexual assault case which happened in India in December last was a huge blow to the country...well...these lyrics are inspired by that a satire...but they follow a different theme in Snow White's perspective in a poetic goes

" 'What was my fault?',
She asks her mother,
'Was it my destiny
To be destroyed by another?'

What could her mom reply,
To such innocence?
What could she say
With a life at expense?

Lost in a concrete jungle
Her soul searches for redemption
Killing all the sinners
And making no exceptions

Her beauty became her curse,
And evil surpassed the Cupid's arrow,
She was shattered and filled with remorse,
This song is about Snow White's sorrow

She lies in bed, poisoned by the apple,
Waiting for her prince to save her,
The prince who was killed in trying,
To fight those who seeked to erase her.

Meanwhile, the witch and her guards,
Admit their crime in front of the people
The kingdom rises in uproar
To behead these unfit creatures.

But alas! The king holds court,
And decides to throw them into prison
'They should rot there', he said,
'Till the end of their last season'

In the meantime she still sleeps,
Her soul afflicted by Satan,
Unaware of how much support,
She has from her whole nation.

Her beauty became her curse,
And evil surpassed the Cupid's arrow,
She was shattered and filled with remorse,
This song is about Snow White's sorrow

She was fighting her death
Down to her last breath
But with a skin she could not shed
She thought better die than to fret

The king was blamed for his ignorance
Blamed for not slaying the devil
Blamed for his wrong ideals
Blamed for siding with the evil

She dies!!!
Taking her pride with her...
She dies!!!
Taking her pride with her..."


I'll be posting a new poem soon....called "Fortune of a soldier"...keep a lookout!! \m/
PS:I'm sorry for the wrong formatting on my previous made then un-readable...I've changed the background color you can read them now...cheers!!