Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Chapter 2

The next morning, I woke up greeted by a bucketful of water in my face. The old dude, Arma or whatever had unceremoniously poured an entire bucket of cold water on my face. He spoke," Get up kid. There is much I have to tell you and teach you." I simply retorted," Teach me what? " I know I should have been more polite but for some reason this guy as getting on my nerves."Kid, I'm your guide, for better or for worse, I will be teaching you and training you to survive in this place." He paused for a second and then said," Get yourself something to eat and then meet me at the back behind the shop, I'll say the rest there." His expression was dead serious,, I could only nod and follow his instructions.
Once I had something to eat, I headed to the designated location as per the old man's instructions. He was waiting for me a wooden sword in hand. he opened his mouth and spoken in that irritating tone of his," So lad, do you have any idea what your class or subclass can do?"I could once again only shake my head, it was almost as if I was scared of the old man, but none the less I managed to muster to some courage and said," I don't know what they mean much  less what they can do." The old man actually smiled at this," Fair enough. Then  let me tell you what your powers are. Like I said last night from your name I guess your element is ice. You are an alchemist. You can create ice and control it based on simply your thoughts and your will. Your subclass is tamer. This means there are certain beasts or monsters whom you can control or take help from." He let that information sink in, before he could continue," The key for you to get stronger is to treat the beast under you as your family and not your slave.As for being an alchemist there is much that comes with it you will learn in the days to come. I can each you the basics and train you to get stronger physically and even mentally, but  your techniques and your perception of our powers must be your own." Saying this he dropped me on my knees using the wooden sword in his hands and tied up my hands with some rope which he was apparently carrying. The old man even blindfolded me. He just said," Stay like this for the day. I've placed rocks infront of you, their heavy, mind you. Your job is to kick them as far as you can by the end of the day. Then if I am satisfied I'll cut your hands loose or else I won't but you'll stay blindfolded for a while.It's training, so begin while I handle the shop. Good luck, kid." The old man the disappeared somewhere. I couldn't even guess how this was training but I did it  and I started kicking the rocks. It was heavy.
I had no clue how much time had passed but my senses were a little sharper than before, like I could tell it was evening. On the other hand my legs were killing me. They were sore from kicking the rocks all day long.
Suddenly I felt someones footsteps. Suddenlyy hands were cut loose and my eyes were freed from the blindfold. The old man was right there grinning like I had never seen him ever do. He said,"Nicely done kid not only did you kick the stobes pretty far you also got you used being without your eyes real fast. Now for a reward."The man beside was just as old as he was. I noticed that he was carrying a cage in which was a bird. She was beautiful. Pure white , with blue eyes. The bird itself was small but it's eyes were that of a fighter. The old man,Arma said," This is an extremely rare ice phoenix. If anyone can teach you on how to use ice it's this bird. Plus she can even be your first beast as a tamer. Give her a name." I looked at the old man in a new way. Maybe he did care about me. I simply said ,"Thanks , old man. As for this birds name. How about  I call you Khione."


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