Sunday, December 15, 2013


This is Shadowheart, I'll  be starting a new story as a side project apart from my usual write ups. I hope this isn't a problem for anyone else. So here goes nothing.

Chapter 1 

I woke up to laughter and the sound of drunken blabbering. At least, that is what I thought back  then. I was sitting on a chair, at a bar counter no else, but the bar was no bar. At the other end of the counter weren't drinks. They were the weirdest collection of weapons I had ever seen. Swords, spears, and even shotguns had found their way into this shop. There were even a few I didn't recognize. Suddenly, a black colored rectangular thing popped up in front of me. On it written in white was,' Welcome..... Title: Frigus Type: Alchemist/ Bender, Sub type: Tamer' Just below it were certain stats whose meaning eluded me. A man suddenly spoke to me," Hey, kid ya look new here." The source of these words was a relatively old man, his hair was completely white his eyes weren't there. In place pf his eyes were scars,as if they had been cut out. He was pretty fit. His arms were thick. He had quite a few scars on them as well. The man was on the other side of the counter. He continued with his gruff voice," What's your name kid?" I was about to tell him but I couldn't. I had forgotten my name! The old man noticed my confusion and simply continued irritated," Your title kid! What's your title?"My title...... So I opened my mouth and said," Frigus, my title is Frigus." I was shocked again. my voice wasn't my own, it was almost like I had aged a few years. I looked at myself, or whatever I could. My hands were covered with a pair of gloves of some kind. I was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and a pair of black leather trousers. I looked at the transparent glass that encased the weapons. My hair was pure white, my eyes blue like the afternoon sky. My skin was pale almost like ice. The man who spoke to me, opened his mouth again,"Lad, think carefully what is the last thing you remember I might be able to help you." I thought deeply, only slivers of a memory came to me. A man with glasses, covered in a white suit. His skin color was black. I remembered fear. Almost like his very presence was a mistake. I remembered hearing him say," Go forth, my young friend, shake up this world to your hearts content, run amok, but remember you have one life, one chance, death simply means the end." I described all this to the man in front of me. He guffawed in amusement and once he stopped he said eyes twinkling," Welcome, to Dei LITURA. Lad you've entered a world like none other. There is no return, not that it matters since you have no memory. " I simply gaped at him. He continued and explained how this world was a game, we were simply characters. We lived life like normal but we controlled our life as we did a game character. In this game there was no winner, it was just life lived in a different way. Unlike games there was no second chance, death truly meant the end. You just lived and survived.
After I digested all this, the old man looked at me as though he was judging my worth, he asked," Tell me your title and subtitle.' I told him so. His face was now shocked, he swallowed and continued," Kid, judging from your name I guess you control ice. But to be a Tamer at the same time. Kid, concentrate and summon your profile, that might provide us with some answers." I did as he told and sure enough a window popped up is was black like the previous one but this time there was all kinds of things written there. Like my ability for instance was to create and control ice, while my second ability was to tame and raise beasts. Under my title and other details, there was written something else. I went closer and looked at it. It said,'Guide:Arma' I looked at the old man and said," Hey, old man, who's Arma? It's says here that he is my guide." At this the old guy got irritated,"Oh god that freak is still up to his tricks. I am Arma.From the looks of it I have been assigned as your guide." This really freaked me out. This old blind dude was my guide, he had a shop for all he cared. he handed me a key and said ," Go upstairs get some sleep, I'll clear any doubts you have tomorrow. i won't meet you till tomorrow morning there is something I must do before I send you for your journey,and much must be done as well." It was just then that I realized that it was night and that I was sleepy. I followed his orders and went upstairs to sleep. next morning would be the day that my doubts would be cleared. I could wait right now I needed sleep.


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