Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Air of a King Chapter 5 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

I guess I left the last chapter on a rather high not e so how about we finish the game this chapter shall we?

Chapter 5

I guess that it would be an understatement to say that the 3rd quarter of this hair raising game began with a bang. Sakeru held back on no counts and went all out from the very beginning. Any chance I had of sealing him evaporated with my two injuries. We couldn't ask our defense specialist, Shantz to block for he had his hands full with Rocky alone. The lead we had worked so hard to build in the second quarter disappeared as though it was never there. We were back to square one barely hanging on in terms of the score, in terms of skill and in terms of stamina. But we didn't give up for a single second. We were determined to play till the end, winning or losing no longer mattered, we just wanted to give our seniors a run for their money before they changed leagues.
Apollo turned out to be quite good at dribbling. Both of soon built a good partnership that somehow got the ball forward every time to King or Zantek. Our captain lead from the front scoring basket after basket never letting up and becoming a source of strength for us all. I simply smiled to myself, thinking," The King is playing his role, so I guess it's time for the Knight to let all hell break loose." And hell did break loose. I let go of any hesitation I had due to my injuries and went all out. I shot 3 pointer one after another as did Sakeru. Soon it became a battle of the aces, me versus him that would decide this match. We confronted each other various times throughout the game but he was my superior in almost every way. Not to mention my injury was impeding my movements. I could suppress the pain I was feeling for so long.
I enjoyed every moment of this game, the challenge of playing such a formidable opponent made it even better. The game continued, the score was at 95-92 with us trailing and obviously, losing. But that no longer bothered us we just wanted to play a little longer, and from the looks on the faces of our seniors they felt the same too. Our joy was short lived. The whistle that marked the end of the 3rd quarter rang throughout the court.
The coach then walked up to me and caught me by the arm, the injured one. I gasped in pain and even fell over for my legs refused to support me any longer. Coach had a grim look on his face. All he said was," This game is over. I will no longer let any of you play, especially not you(pointing towards me) the future ace of this team play injured and harm your career." What he said hurt, almost like a knife straight into my chest. I looked at the scoreboard and the reality of the loss hit me hard. Tears welled up in my eyes, and as I looked around I saw the same looks of defeat and tears in the eyes of my teammates. Sakeru walked up to me while Rocky did the same for King. Sakeru helped me on to my feet and to the bench, he looked me on the eye and said," Don't be sad, you guys are amazing for your age, you didn't back down in the face of a strong opponent like us."Rocky spoke aloud for everyone to hear," Yeah. Sakeru's right." He looked at King and continued," King,  you and your friends  are now the ones who make up the Empire. You all are our successors. King you are mine. I declare you to be the next captain of the Empire. Lead us to another great year, King." Sakeru picked up the cue from here and told me," Knight, like every Empire this one  needs  a knight or in terms of basketball, an ace. Undoubtedly, you must play that role. If the captain of the team leads from the front, the ace pushes them form the back helping them get better and protecting them from harm.  You must be the Knight of this Empire, I leave the team in your hands." Saying this  all the seniors left the court and the entire club graduating from one league and preparing to enter another. They left the job of defending their honor and title  to us and we were going to carry it out no matter what stood in our way. This was the promise that we made as the new Empire and this is what we would  deliver. No questions asked.


A part of our journey ends but another will begin in just a few days. See you soon with a new part of our story The Air of a King.
                                                         yours truly,

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