Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Air of a King Chapter 8(STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Chapter 8

The next day saw the entire basketball club arrive at school, shivering and carrying bags. They were all preparing for a  week in hell. Well I guess I should explain why it was such. Coach had sent a printed letter to everyone's houses informing the respective guardians about the training camp. Along with he sent the rules and themes of the training camp. This was what spooked all the members. But it wasn't the theme or the rules hat scared them as much as the given schedule. it was really tight and heavy. Most of us weren't expected to make up till noon.
So, the regular six, that's us, were now ready in our new regular uniforms, along with our numbers printed on our backs. We were standing beside coach, fingers in our ears. Coach was announcing the groups and individual challenges in the after noon for the day. He was doing so through a megaphone. It was loud. 
The regular team had five open spots. These spots would be decided at the end of the training camp, based on how many points each person had. Top five would get these spots. There was also a lucrative offer for all non regular members. If someone managed to beat one us the nobles of the Empire at our own specialty they would immediately replace. So, we the Nobles would have to defend our positions with all our might.
Some challenges were decided by the coach, some were issued from one player to another. There were even team showdowns, and special conditions included.
The morning training was hell. There was no other way to describe. Coach drove us into the ground and drilled into our heads about the importance of basics and stamina. During brunch, I looked up the schedule for the showdowns of the day. There were seven in total, but two caught my eye. One was my own, the other was King's, the rest of the regulars like Shantz, Apollo, Zantek and BS, had games tomorrow. Mine was against someone called Jaque. King's game was against the unofficial leader of the 2nd years, Kaiser. Someone tapped me on the back. I turned around startled, it was King. He smiled and asked," Looks like your up first, then its me."(Yes we were talking normally now.)"Yeah that's true." I answered him.He just continued," Don't hold back, first one matters a lot. You better win."I answered really quickly and in a sharp manner," Wasn't planning on losing,Captain. Don't worry I won' hold back one bit, I'll set up the stage for you so you'd better win as well. You're just after me." He just nodded. He put his arm around my shoulder and we both began walking towards the courts. Soon, our test of whether we deserved to be on the team or not would be tested. Everything was on the line. Failure wasn't an option, but winning wasn't either. I had to win but it had to be big, real big.

Monday, December 30, 2013

The New Year (POEM by SCREECH)

hey readers!!! sorry for the delay...it was a long week for me...
so...I know that I told you guys that I'll upload an aggressive poem..well...I thought...You know, It's Christmas...The new year's close...so why to upset people's moods...and I wrote this little poem about Christmas and New Year...here goes...

"I see the snowflakes falling,
I hear the new year calling,
It's gonna be a rush of resolutions.

I look back at the year passed,
All the time that flew so fast,
I realised I had an evolution.

The new year! And Christmas to be lived...
Let us Celebrate!
Looking forward to what tomorrow brings!

Times of smiles,
Times of laughs,
Times of utter confusion.

Let's dance all night,
Till the sun shines bright,
As the earth completes another revolution.

Let's hit the lights!
And drink the wine,
To another successful year!
Let's hold on tight!
And enjoy the ride!
The new year's day is near!

Another year!
How it all went by!
It's amazing, yeah,
Curious! About what in the future I'll find!

All the birthdays, Anniversaries,
With the tricks and treats,
And now Christmas trees,
The warm sun and the gentle breeze,
Gave way to cold and the lakes did freeze.

Let's bring the world alive!
On December Twenty-Five!
And let's keep up the fun!
Till December Thirty-One!

So let's kick up the tempo,
Start up the beat,
Kick-start the sound waves,
And turn up the heat.
With pizzas and movies, we'll pass the time
For the midnight of the eve, is this rhyme,
Let's cheers to another year gone by!
Welcome 2014, coz we've been on cloud nine!"

I think that sums up most of the new year plans...Have a great time people!!!
I will see you in 2014...till then...have fun!!!


Friday, December 27, 2013

The Air of a King chapter 7 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Chapter 7

Practice that day was pretty the same as one would expect. I was more worried about other issues. Like how King was completely ignoring me, and how the 2nd years were bullying the rest of he freshmen just to make themselves look superior. Compared to all this, joining practice after a week seemed a lot easier and in fact was.
Right after practice King and myself headed for the Coach's office. We knew that we were in trouble for the game we had earlier on in the day. But I couldn't shake off the feeling that our seniors were a little too happy about this. I had met Moko earlier on in practice. he seemed to be pretty good, but he didn't give off that air that his older brother Sakeru did. I guess only monsters of that level could or higher could make me feel the excitement of playing.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I walked beside King towards the Coach's office but neither of spoke a word. I knew that I owed him an apology for humiliating him but the words remained stuck in my throat. We reached the office pretty quickly. King knocked on the door. " Come in, you two." We heard the coach call us inside. The office was pretty laid back. Looked a lot like a standard office that a high ranking official would have. Coach did not look happy. The look on his face spelled trouble for both me and King. I waited for the bomb shell that I knew was coming. " Explain" was all he said looking at both me and King almost simultaneously. King began explaining what happened, I piped in a few times, just to fill  in a few details. Coach heard our story without asking any questions or interrupting us. After he heard us out, he sighed. " So, just to prove how good you were or how talented you were, you played against your captain and humiliated him." Now coach's voice was on the rise, as he scolded me for my behavior. He then pointed at King and continued," And you! When will you learn to speak in a subtle manner. You already caused a ruckus against the second years and now you insult your best player. A captain is supposed to guide the team and support his players but you are underestimating your ace." King tried to speak up but was cut short," Even if you were trying to help Knight that was no way to handle. Knight as for you. You may be the best player and may have your pride,but you should have understood your captain's real intentions, before you pulled that stunt. The both of you are supposed to set an example for the rest without tearing each other apart." We could only look down in shame.  I had no word with which I could defend myself. Coach looked like he wasn't done with us. I braced myself for whatever was in store. " So, if you two have understood your mistake let's move on to pressing matters." Surprise was the only emotion I could muster at that point, even King looked the same. "Starting tomorrow there is a training as you all know. But there is more to this training camp than meets the eye. The theme this time is challenges, games and points. Knight I want you to handle Moko somehow. I agree with you that your better than him, but he still warrants caution and care when handling him. As for the 2nd years, we need to somehow get them to accept you lot. That is not so easy." We were wondering what we had to do with that, when coach cleared our doubts."  The three of us will be setting up the schedule for this camp. You six are going to have to beat the rest of the entire club. It will not be easy but I have faith in you all. But be prepared for challenges out of schedule as well. The one's that will be issued by specific people and not set by us. Go  back home for now, dismissed." With that he waved us out. We were about to walk out the door, when coach spoke to us once more," Do you t 2 know what the main 11 of the Empire or the regulars of this club are called." We shook our heads. I, at least had never heard of this. Coach said." They are called the Nobles of the Empire. The captain is called the King and the ace is called the Knight. When these two argue it is the nobles and Empire that suffer the most. Remember this, both of you. You two are now King and Knight. Play your roles, lead the Nobles and the Empire. I believe in you and trust you both. It all begins tomorrow."
We left the office coach's words hanging over us both. I looked at King and he looked at me. I realized whatever beef was between us was already a thing of the past. We had bigger problems to handle. King offered his hand and I shook it. Tomorrow was going to be a new day one that would see the Nobles of the Empire united.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Confused! (LYRICS by SCREECH)

hey readers!!! I'm back!!!
I was AFK for sometime...but here I am with another Lyrical Composition...I'm calling these lyrics because they were originally written for a punk song...I may extend the lyrics further...so keep a lookout!!

"People as everyone says,
Are used in some or the other way,
In that way even I got used
And now I'm so...
Confused! Confused! Confused!
And I'm so...
Confused! Confused! Confused!


I just need some inspiration,
I just need some motivation,
I don't understand my interpretation,
As the world ends up in my negation.

Where's my mind, I can't keep track,
I see the light, as it fades to black,
As day and night are getting fused,
I become so...
Confused! Confused! Confused!
Now I'm so...
Confused! Confused Confused!


The world is crazy, turning around,
People running all day, we are hell-bound,
The humans live in an age of sound,
And the ancient history will never be found.

My brain's been busy, cut me some slack,
I'll go if you ask but, "I'll be back,"
As crimes keep on getting excused,
I get so...
Confused! Confused! Confused!
And now I'm so...
Confused! Confused Confused!


the lyrics are not the usual type i write...they are a bit vague and a little careless (I guess XP)...I have also written some more lyrics like these...I will be uploading them later on...but they are very aggressive...anyway...keep a lookout!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Ch 3

The next two months of my life were a blast. It was as though the loss of my memories was of no consequence. My everyday life was like clockwork. Wake up at sunrise and do all physical tasks set. Have my first meal of the day. Practice alchemy with the help of Khione and exercise all possible combinations with her. This would be continued up until noon. After that help the old man in attending to the shop while he took his nap. In the evening, Arma(old man) would teach me all the politics and laws of this world. He wold even discuss the possible uses of my abilities. Then go to bed after the last meal of the day and one final spar with the old man. This cycle would go on for over two months without fail. The main differences from day to day would mainly be me improving in how to use my alchemy and taming abilities. I could now fight using ice without breaking a sweat. Adding to this was my discovery of a flame that I called the Anti Flame. It was how Khione would attack and now I could do so as well. It looked exactly like a flame but is blue in color and absorbed heat rather than generate it. I could create a lot more ice using it than without it.
But all cycles had their beginning and their end. This cycle found its end in my acceptance into the Academy. It was all Arma's idea. He thought I should form my own clan and get to know people my age. He thought it would help in my growth. I now had to leave for the Academy by train and leave he only family I had , the old man Arma. He had reassured me that I would be fine with my level of power, but that was not what worried me. I was scared of missing the old man. He was the only one I could say  I knew apart from Khione.
On the day of departure, I stood alongside many other hopefuls of the Academy in the teleportation circle. Arma had already left. Our guides stood apart and began chanting the spell. Within seconds we were whisked away to a place that held the key to our future. Once we finally arrived what met our eyes was a wondrous sight. It was a city in itself. A towering castle, with numerous watchtowers. Beast of all types roamed both sky and land, accompanied by their tamer. There were students of all classes ad sub-classes present here. our guides then took to what appeared to be the headmaster's office. Suddenly, a commotion broke out. Some people were beating a defenseless person. The guy was on the ground, he was surrounded by weapons. I wondered why was picking one up and defending himself against his oppressors. One of the guides muttered," Must be a craftsmith." I understood what he had meant. Arma once had explained to me about the various classes or abilities of people. A unique one was that of craftsmith. They could create and repair any kind of weapon, but they had to take an oath of never fighting using weapons for reasons I never understood. This resulted in them being left out in clans. People apparently found them to be useless.
Anyway, there were four people beating one merciless craftsmith. He was probably my age. His nose was bleeding and he looked in pain. No one was helping him but there was no shortage of onlookers. This rubbed me the wrong way. I moved without second thought and created a solid stream of ice pillars that went flying towards the attackers. I made sure that none of them were lethal but I knew a shard of ice piercing one's skin and flesh would hurt. The result was better than I expected. The pillars of ice that I had launched reached their target and stopped an attacks that had up their sleeve. They were bleeding but I couldn't care less. I made my way towards the smith. I somehow helped him up. I knew that I was getting stares from all over. I ignored all stares and started towards the guides, " Help me patch him up, he needs medical attention." They were actually smiling. the one nearest to me said," Leave it to us, on the other hand this fight is not over." he pointed towards my back. I turned around to see the four attackers get back up. they had removed the ice shards from their bodies. One had a bow in hand while the other three drew swords. The fight was not over. I readied myself for one. I whistled signaling Khione, who was now airborne to prepare for battle. I knew that in a four on one my chances of winning were low, but I wasn't going down with a fight. If I was going down I was going to take all four of these cowards with, I was going to use ice so cold , so cold that it would burn.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Air of a King Chapter 6 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Chapter 6

It's been a week since the big game against the 3rd years, who now switched leagues. My probation was now effectively over. Since that day in the gymnasium, coach banned me from any form of practice, in or out of school. He even got my parents to restrain me. All he said was," Knight now that the game is over your next job as ace is to heal that arm of yours. A week of rest should do." At the time I thought he was joking but boy was I wrong. He wouldn't even let me talk to any club member, much less touch a ball.
All that was now over, I could now practice to my heart's content. As soon as school was done I made my way towards the courts for some early practice, but someone was already there, waiting for me. It was my captain, King. He stood there leaning against the entrance, ball in hand all dressed up for practice. He smiled and handed me the ball. He said," Your late. Let's see if you still got it, or is one week enough to make you rusty." I knew he was just playing around, but I there was no way I was going to let that jibe pass. I dribbled real quick and took a shot from the 3-p line, and got the ball into the hoop. "That's my answer, captain.' was what my reply was to his little joke. Poor guy wasn't prepared for such an answer. I thought he'd be shocked or something, but he smiled in relief. Now it was my turn to get shocked. I couldn't figure out, why would he react in such a manner. Before I could ask, he gave me my answer." You've got competition. It's for your position as ace. Normally, even I would laugh it off. But this guy is the real deal. Trust me on this, if you knew who he was, then even you would be worried."I could only ask,"Who is this guy? To think he'd make you worried." King continued as if I had never spoke." His name is Moko. He's Sakeru's younger brother. But that's not even the scary part. His skill isn't some rip off or some joke. He is the real deal."
What King said should have scared me but it didn't. Something was off. True this was Sakeru's younger brother. He had even scared King, who in all honesty was hard to scare. But that was the problem right there. " King, he may be Sakeru's younger brother but he is not Sakeru." Even after this he continued," Knight, you may think that he is not Sakeru but his talent equals all five of the new Empire namely us. I mean, even Coach said that the guy's talent equals that of his brother." I interrupted him," King trust me, please. This guy may be good, maybe he's even better than I am, but I won't lose. Not now, not ever. He may have scared you, but not me. He is Sakeru's younger brother, I recognize him as a rival, but that's where it ends. From what you've told me this guy is real good. But ..." " But what Knight. Sakeru may have acknowledged you, but you're not the best. Hell, one game against Sakeru got you off the court for a week." I stopped him right there. How did I stop him? The only way I knew how. "King, I challenge you to a one-on-one half court game."
While it's true that it probably wasn't the best time for such an absurd challenge but I was angry. King accepted as I knew he would. His pride as a player came before anything else. The game began quickly. King was good and he deserved to be captain. I meant what I said. He deserved to be captain. But I was better than he was. The game did not go in his favor. I stopped where he thought I couldn't and made a shot where he thought I wouldn't. I couldn't shoot any three pointers, that was thanks to his defense. But I had another card up my sleeve. It was an inherent ability of mine, one I couldn't use because Sakeru wouldn't let me. I called it the free style shot. As long as I wasn't too surrounded and was close enough to the hoop I could shoot without a fixed form or action. This helped me greatly against King. Soon King realized that he couldn't beat me as well as my intentions of telling him something." What do you want to tell me?"he asked while collapsing on the court floor in exhaustion. I, too collapsed but answered even so," I have my pride as the ace, King. I won't hand over my place to anyone, especially not to someone who rides the coattails of their older brother in spite of being talented."
Just then Coach walked followed by the rest of the club members. He looked at us but didn't say anything. I thought we were in trouble. " Good to see you in good form, Knight. I hope you have enough energy left for tomorrow." I looked at him confused, even King had the same expression. Coach helped us up and continued," Starting tomorrow will be a week long training camp. I've already got the necessary permission and everything so just attend and survive. As for you two, King and Knight. Meet me in my office after practice. I have much to discuss with you both" King and I looked at each other. We were still not completely safe. It looked like coach still had something in store for us. I guess we'll find out soon enough, since he called us right after practice. I just hope we're not in too much trouble."


Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Chapter 2

The next morning, I woke up greeted by a bucketful of water in my face. The old dude, Arma or whatever had unceremoniously poured an entire bucket of cold water on my face. He spoke," Get up kid. There is much I have to tell you and teach you." I simply retorted," Teach me what? " I know I should have been more polite but for some reason this guy as getting on my nerves."Kid, I'm your guide, for better or for worse, I will be teaching you and training you to survive in this place." He paused for a second and then said," Get yourself something to eat and then meet me at the back behind the shop, I'll say the rest there." His expression was dead serious,, I could only nod and follow his instructions.
Once I had something to eat, I headed to the designated location as per the old man's instructions. He was waiting for me a wooden sword in hand. he opened his mouth and spoken in that irritating tone of his," So lad, do you have any idea what your class or subclass can do?"I could once again only shake my head, it was almost as if I was scared of the old man, but none the less I managed to muster to some courage and said," I don't know what they mean much  less what they can do." The old man actually smiled at this," Fair enough. Then  let me tell you what your powers are. Like I said last night from your name I guess your element is ice. You are an alchemist. You can create ice and control it based on simply your thoughts and your will. Your subclass is tamer. This means there are certain beasts or monsters whom you can control or take help from." He let that information sink in, before he could continue," The key for you to get stronger is to treat the beast under you as your family and not your slave.As for being an alchemist there is much that comes with it you will learn in the days to come. I can each you the basics and train you to get stronger physically and even mentally, but  your techniques and your perception of our powers must be your own." Saying this he dropped me on my knees using the wooden sword in his hands and tied up my hands with some rope which he was apparently carrying. The old man even blindfolded me. He just said," Stay like this for the day. I've placed rocks infront of you, their heavy, mind you. Your job is to kick them as far as you can by the end of the day. Then if I am satisfied I'll cut your hands loose or else I won't but you'll stay blindfolded for a while.It's training, so begin while I handle the shop. Good luck, kid." The old man the disappeared somewhere. I couldn't even guess how this was training but I did it  and I started kicking the rocks. It was heavy.
I had no clue how much time had passed but my senses were a little sharper than before, like I could tell it was evening. On the other hand my legs were killing me. They were sore from kicking the rocks all day long.
Suddenly I felt someones footsteps. Suddenlyy hands were cut loose and my eyes were freed from the blindfold. The old man was right there grinning like I had never seen him ever do. He said,"Nicely done kid not only did you kick the stobes pretty far you also got you used being without your eyes real fast. Now for a reward."The man beside was just as old as he was. I noticed that he was carrying a cage in which was a bird. She was beautiful. Pure white , with blue eyes. The bird itself was small but it's eyes were that of a fighter. The old man,Arma said," This is an extremely rare ice phoenix. If anyone can teach you on how to use ice it's this bird. Plus she can even be your first beast as a tamer. Give her a name." I looked at the old man in a new way. Maybe he did care about me. I simply said ,"Thanks , old man. As for this birds name. How about  I call you Khione."


Sunday, December 15, 2013


This is Shadowheart, I'll  be starting a new story as a side project apart from my usual write ups. I hope this isn't a problem for anyone else. So here goes nothing.

Chapter 1 

I woke up to laughter and the sound of drunken blabbering. At least, that is what I thought back  then. I was sitting on a chair, at a bar counter no else, but the bar was no bar. At the other end of the counter weren't drinks. They were the weirdest collection of weapons I had ever seen. Swords, spears, and even shotguns had found their way into this shop. There were even a few I didn't recognize. Suddenly, a black colored rectangular thing popped up in front of me. On it written in white was,' Welcome..... Title: Frigus Type: Alchemist/ Bender, Sub type: Tamer' Just below it were certain stats whose meaning eluded me. A man suddenly spoke to me," Hey, kid ya look new here." The source of these words was a relatively old man, his hair was completely white his eyes weren't there. In place pf his eyes were scars,as if they had been cut out. He was pretty fit. His arms were thick. He had quite a few scars on them as well. The man was on the other side of the counter. He continued with his gruff voice," What's your name kid?" I was about to tell him but I couldn't. I had forgotten my name! The old man noticed my confusion and simply continued irritated," Your title kid! What's your title?"My title...... So I opened my mouth and said," Frigus, my title is Frigus." I was shocked again. my voice wasn't my own, it was almost like I had aged a few years. I looked at myself, or whatever I could. My hands were covered with a pair of gloves of some kind. I was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and a pair of black leather trousers. I looked at the transparent glass that encased the weapons. My hair was pure white, my eyes blue like the afternoon sky. My skin was pale almost like ice. The man who spoke to me, opened his mouth again,"Lad, think carefully what is the last thing you remember I might be able to help you." I thought deeply, only slivers of a memory came to me. A man with glasses, covered in a white suit. His skin color was black. I remembered fear. Almost like his very presence was a mistake. I remembered hearing him say," Go forth, my young friend, shake up this world to your hearts content, run amok, but remember you have one life, one chance, death simply means the end." I described all this to the man in front of me. He guffawed in amusement and once he stopped he said eyes twinkling," Welcome, to Dei LITURA. Lad you've entered a world like none other. There is no return, not that it matters since you have no memory. " I simply gaped at him. He continued and explained how this world was a game, we were simply characters. We lived life like normal but we controlled our life as we did a game character. In this game there was no winner, it was just life lived in a different way. Unlike games there was no second chance, death truly meant the end. You just lived and survived.
After I digested all this, the old man looked at me as though he was judging my worth, he asked," Tell me your title and subtitle.' I told him so. His face was now shocked, he swallowed and continued," Kid, judging from your name I guess you control ice. But to be a Tamer at the same time. Kid, concentrate and summon your profile, that might provide us with some answers." I did as he told and sure enough a window popped up is was black like the previous one but this time there was all kinds of things written there. Like my ability for instance was to create and control ice, while my second ability was to tame and raise beasts. Under my title and other details, there was written something else. I went closer and looked at it. It said,'Guide:Arma' I looked at the old man and said," Hey, old man, who's Arma? It's says here that he is my guide." At this the old guy got irritated,"Oh god that freak is still up to his tricks. I am Arma.From the looks of it I have been assigned as your guide." This really freaked me out. This old blind dude was my guide, he had a shop for all he cared. he handed me a key and said ," Go upstairs get some sleep, I'll clear any doubts you have tomorrow. i won't meet you till tomorrow morning there is something I must do before I send you for your journey,and much must be done as well." It was just then that I realized that it was night and that I was sleepy. I followed his orders and went upstairs to sleep. next morning would be the day that my doubts would be cleared. I could wait right now I needed sleep.


The Last Season (POEM by SCREECH)

Hey readers!!! It's me ScreechDrummer...well...recently I've been seeing a lot of old couples...and I've been reading a lot of Alzheimer's cases...so I just felt like writing something like this...here goes...

"Autumn breaks through,
Your hair is as grey as the sky,
The leaves are falling down,
Just like mine.

I try to talk to you,
But you don't seem to remember me.

Sometimes I'm a stranger to you,
And I wonder if you'll know me tomorrow

This may be our last season,
This may be our last goodbye,
This may be the only reason,
That I need to be with you...tonight.

Winter arrives soon,
Your skin is as pale as the snow,
How long will this life last?
I don't think I know.

At times I try to hold you,
But your mind doesn't register my touch
How can I make you remember,
That I love you so much?


This may be our last season,
This may be our last goodbye,
This may be the only reason,
That I need to be with you...tonight.

I'm walking down the memory lane,
Swimming in the ocean of our dreams,
Diving head first into nostalgia,
Drowning in your whispered screams.

Your mind's wings are clipped,
The memory bricks are chipped,
The nervous circuits' tripped,
And you still don't remember me?

Spring arrives late
A sudden twist in fate,
 You speak my name, for the first time in years,
My ears ring with your voice and my joy is shown in tears.
As you memory returns, the fog in your head clears,
You run into my arms. the worst is over dear...

This may be our last season,
This may be our last goodbye,
But now fear doesn't have a reason,
Because I'm with you...tonight"

so yup...that's it...hope you people enjoyed it...


Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Air of a King Chapter 5 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

I guess I left the last chapter on a rather high not e so how about we finish the game this chapter shall we?

Chapter 5

I guess that it would be an understatement to say that the 3rd quarter of this hair raising game began with a bang. Sakeru held back on no counts and went all out from the very beginning. Any chance I had of sealing him evaporated with my two injuries. We couldn't ask our defense specialist, Shantz to block for he had his hands full with Rocky alone. The lead we had worked so hard to build in the second quarter disappeared as though it was never there. We were back to square one barely hanging on in terms of the score, in terms of skill and in terms of stamina. But we didn't give up for a single second. We were determined to play till the end, winning or losing no longer mattered, we just wanted to give our seniors a run for their money before they changed leagues.
Apollo turned out to be quite good at dribbling. Both of soon built a good partnership that somehow got the ball forward every time to King or Zantek. Our captain lead from the front scoring basket after basket never letting up and becoming a source of strength for us all. I simply smiled to myself, thinking," The King is playing his role, so I guess it's time for the Knight to let all hell break loose." And hell did break loose. I let go of any hesitation I had due to my injuries and went all out. I shot 3 pointer one after another as did Sakeru. Soon it became a battle of the aces, me versus him that would decide this match. We confronted each other various times throughout the game but he was my superior in almost every way. Not to mention my injury was impeding my movements. I could suppress the pain I was feeling for so long.
I enjoyed every moment of this game, the challenge of playing such a formidable opponent made it even better. The game continued, the score was at 95-92 with us trailing and obviously, losing. But that no longer bothered us we just wanted to play a little longer, and from the looks on the faces of our seniors they felt the same too. Our joy was short lived. The whistle that marked the end of the 3rd quarter rang throughout the court.
The coach then walked up to me and caught me by the arm, the injured one. I gasped in pain and even fell over for my legs refused to support me any longer. Coach had a grim look on his face. All he said was," This game is over. I will no longer let any of you play, especially not you(pointing towards me) the future ace of this team play injured and harm your career." What he said hurt, almost like a knife straight into my chest. I looked at the scoreboard and the reality of the loss hit me hard. Tears welled up in my eyes, and as I looked around I saw the same looks of defeat and tears in the eyes of my teammates. Sakeru walked up to me while Rocky did the same for King. Sakeru helped me on to my feet and to the bench, he looked me on the eye and said," Don't be sad, you guys are amazing for your age, you didn't back down in the face of a strong opponent like us."Rocky spoke aloud for everyone to hear," Yeah. Sakeru's right." He looked at King and continued," King,  you and your friends  are now the ones who make up the Empire. You all are our successors. King you are mine. I declare you to be the next captain of the Empire. Lead us to another great year, King." Sakeru picked up the cue from here and told me," Knight, like every Empire this one  needs  a knight or in terms of basketball, an ace. Undoubtedly, you must play that role. If the captain of the team leads from the front, the ace pushes them form the back helping them get better and protecting them from harm.  You must be the Knight of this Empire, I leave the team in your hands." Saying this  all the seniors left the court and the entire club graduating from one league and preparing to enter another. They left the job of defending their honor and title  to us and we were going to carry it out no matter what stood in our way. This was the promise that we made as the new Empire and this is what we would  deliver. No questions asked.


A part of our journey ends but another will begin in just a few days. See you soon with a new part of our story The Air of a King.
                                                         yours truly,

Fantasy, Fate and Born (By Sushmita)

The literary works below is the handicraft of a person sharing her views and thoughts with the world. I hope everyone will give her a warm welcome in the Infinite Minute Corp and will accept and recognize her talent as a writer.
                     - Shadowheart

1)                    FANTASY

It's quite amazing o realize how a few moments of our life turn out to be breathtaking.......... How a certain thing, that existed as a worthless piece of our life, shows us a spectacular part that we always missed....... The drop of a tear that we'd shed once, worth equal to a thousand smiles that we faked. The fear to step forward and have a glance at the better world is mysteriously strangled and burned into ashes. The weird strangled looks of people............ how they made us rush near a mirror or something that reflected our mere appearance and think, " Do I look okay ?" seems lost somewhere. The moments we know how ugly we are but still a single compliment makes us think," Can I really be beautiful?" and a rise of hope awakens within us and commands to get up and go fill the edge of the door. And when we still don't take a step forward, it pushes us out and begs us to face the shimmering world; then, that's when you learn to differentiate between reality and fantasy..............

2)                 FATE

The questions that were left unanswered, the pages that were kept unread, the patience that wasn't worthwhile to rebel against each and every word that was once spoken and embrace the futile hope that kept fluctuating and finally, ripping our veins, turning all of faith, trust and hope burn to ashes, the knife of truth stabs you from behind again and again. However, with all the rush of agony and sear moan, a drop of tear seems like a gush of blood that rolls down your cheek and insanely wants to tear apart all the rope with which it is tied and utter the unworthy word,"Why?" But "Fear" is such a fierceful  power of nature, O Lord, that even the strongest emotion recoil...... and you let go of everything and let the heart weep....... that's when you begin to compromise......

3)               BORN

Trust, faith, truth and smiles when turn out to be fake, disguise and pretense, it burns each and every vessel of your body. Blood boils, veins burst, burning the heart into ashes by the fire of rage.'Sympathy' is such a word that brings a feeling of pity.
People, mostly, show it when they find a weak, feeble, poor, unworthy human. When that feeble girl turns out to be the strongest, she pushes away all kinds of sorrow and decorate happiness with care and that "sympathy" ruins it all."Why can't endure a pinch of sympathy?"people asks. She says,"Sympathy is shown to a feather and not a rock!"
When a person makes a thousand promises and breaks one, it is said a betrayal! Then what would it be called when a person makes one promise and breaks it a thousand times?
Words complicate life more than anything. But trustworthy words, when broken, ruins a wrecked (already) ship and is called a disaster. When that one abuse stings like a billion offences, you realize where your mistake was.Slowly, you go back to the old dark room again.
To erase the memories, you give your best, failing in every trial. But , you never give up'cause you ought to be a strong girl now and then. A stone hearted girl is born in you once again who is indifferent to any kind of emotion . You ought to be that strong as you've taken the oath of not falling apart and show yourself who you are........
That's when the chain of new birth begins...................


I sincerely thank all those who read this and appreciate this. I would also like you to understand that this is a carbon copy of the original, I have simply typed it out. The author of this work is a girl by the name Sushmita. So thank you.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Air of a King Chapter 4 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Now your guys should know me well enough so let's cut to the chase and get back to the story.

Chapter 4

The second quarter saw us with a new line up. BS, the mystery player, came in place of one of our two shooting comets, Zantek. I had no clue what kind of player this guy was and my dear captain refused to say anything even though he acted like he knew something about this guy.
The shrill sound of the whistle echoed across the entire court as King entrusted me with the ball. I surged forward in the hope that I would catch our opponents by surprise, but had no luck. They were prepared and showed no signs of letting up even though they were ahead. This was the act of a true champion and I respected them for that but right then I only had the wish to score. Our opponents were fully prepared for my rush and tried to stop me. This didn't stop me. I rushed through them like it was nothing but was immediately stopped by Sakeru. I knew that my chances of beating him one on-one were slim, not zero mind you but as close as you could get. I passed the ball towards King without any hesitation. They were ready for it and were about to intercept it . The only factor that was not in place in anyone's calculations even mine was BS. He appeared out of almost nowhere and redirected the pass back towards me. The defense of our opponents was drawn to stop King leaving me free outside the 3 point line. BS with his unique play had bought me a few moments to shoot which was enough for me. I made the basket and earned our team a good 3 points.
While switching to defense, another miracle occurred. The source of this one was once again BS.The seniors failed to notice him and he immediately intercepted the ball which would have otherwise ended up in the hands of Sakeru. He swiftly passed the ball to Apollo who made another two pointer with ease. It was at this point that I figured out what was this mystery man's ability. It was misdirection. Simply put he could hide his presence, make the opposition and his own teammates not notice that he was there. It's not that he was disappearing but he was walking around in our blind spots, taking advantage of his small stature. This ability of his was of immense help both on offense and defense. Half way through the 2nd quarter we caught up with our opponents. It was around this time that I noticed that BS's ability was extremely taxing for him. The poor guy played for around 8 minutes and was sweaty more than me and the rat of the team. I told King to take a time out.  Thankfully he did as I requested giving BS a few moments to recover. I looked at him, I could only think back to he trust and faith King had put in me at the beginning of the 2nd quarter and told BS,"Concentrate on defense, alright, leave the offence to me and the others. Just get me the ball I'll make sure that we get the points." I don't know whether that calmed him down or agitated him even more for his face was expressionless, but he smiled and said something that was very similar to what King had said. It was," I trust you, ace."
Time out ended. I knew that I had to step up my game, I had made a promise not just to King or BS but to the rest of the team, something which was not to be taken lightly. The minute I was handed the ball I headed towards my Sakeru. If I wanted to keep my promise I had to beat this guy first. I launched myself towards him dribbling in a way I was perfectly comfortable with. He tried to stop me, I feinted left. He figured out my move and moved in the opposite direction, I then feinted right and moved left in one smooth motion. This caught him by surprise and I got past him to score an easy two pointer.  The rest of the 2nd quarter I played like never before. I shot 3 pointers one after another, getting past all my opponents. Even Sakeru could no longer stop me. We were ahead in the score nearing the end of the quarter but just barely.
This was where our good run ended. BS was completely drained, he could no longer even use misdirection properly anymore. But the real problem wasn't even him. It was me. Apart from being extremely tired, I was also now experiencing severe cramps in my right leg, and to add to I twisted my right wrist. Coach blew the whistle to announce the end of the 2nd quarter. I somehow got back to the bench without limping or showing any signs of injury. As soon  as I reached the bench I asked for some ice to cool my wrist. It was definitely not even a solution but was at least better than nothing. King looked at me and was about to say something, but I cut him off by saying," I can still play take BS off and replace him with Zantek. It's the only way we can win." I looked towards Apollo and continued," I'm gonna need your help. You'll have to help me in getting the ball across the court leave shooting as it was in the 1st quarter. Shantz don't participate in the offence at all just defend with everything you have. Your defense may just save us yet." King didn't say anything for a moment  but sighed and said," Alright, I'll let you play but if your leg and wrist get worse we'll forfeit this game. There is absolutely no point in continuing this game of it harms our ace. " Everyone nodded their heads in agreement at this. Shantz in reply to my statement said," Leave defense to me I'll stop with everything I have and more."Apollo said," I'll help you get the ball forward, as for shooting get the ball to me, Zantek or King, we'll definitely score." We were all smiling at this. In less than an hour all six of us had formed a team that played like one and not just like individuals on the same court. Our situation was bleak but we weren't feeling down for we had complete faith in our abilities. We weren't going down without a fight, no way in hell.
The seniors were going to have their hands full and the reason was going to be their soon to be successors.

This is the end of the fourth chapter of this story. Wait and see what happens to our protagonists, in the next chapter of The Air of a King. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What if there WAS ASSASSIN BOT? (Assassin's Creed reference...Kind of)- Crazy Ideas by The Blue Phoenix

till now AC has been a game where a guy from the present time goes to the time of his ancestors through a machine called Animus.....In the last AC we saw an end to a character of the modern age who was with us since the star of AC series....We dont know who will be the new modern day part protagonist.....who cares though...well...what if the tech has gone waaaay to far and makes IRON MAN type assassins!?Well...here are speculations for it's specs:

1.LIGHT SABERS!!!!....No modern day assassin could go out with out a handy dandy light saber.. right?
2.Super boots!...like the ones in portal!...who the hell would want to die by falling of a roof?!??!
3.Pokeballs....to hide dead bodies......little balls lying on the ground are strange?...yeah...right...a man with weapons walking among the monks is not strange..
4.Hidden gun is old? fine...Hidden rocket launcher!!!=Noise???Phruff....=FUN!!!
5.Mind Hack skills!!!.....for locked door when u have no keycode? why kill the guard in the security room?
6.Ion Canon in the chest!...He need to be cool right?
7.Jet Boots!....for dodging from attackers on all 4 side of u
8.A cape.... to blend like a ninja even with walls
9.A hood Assassin Style!...and a mask that actually hides your face!!!!
10.Shockwave palms!....beggers bugging?....BLAST OFF!!!
11.Guns in the butt!....to solve those little problems while crawling throung a vent when a drone sneeks up....though of a butt bomb...but it was a little....unconventional...u know why..
12.eagle vison with different options
Last but not the least
13.HIDDEN BLADE!!!!....dint think of a good modern replacement...

That it folks!
Happy Gaming...andreading

Fortune Of A Soldier (POEM by SCREECH)

hey readers!!!
I'm screech!! and I'm back with this new poem called fortune of a soldier!!

I was thinking about writing something like this for a long time...then finally, after listening to some of my favorite war songs...i wrote this little poem...

"Well...I've been fighting
From the age of sticks,
Till the age of stones,
And now the age of bricks.

For me...The war zone is like a home,
The adrenaline is my addiction,
The door to hell is a common sight,
The stairway to heaven is just fiction.

Back when I was a warrior,
Down south with the Aztecs,
We killed and sacrificed prisoners,
Never cared for what we did.

After that I joined the Spaniards,
Went all over the globe hunting for gold,
But soon I was caught by pirates,
And I was thrown into the cargo hold.

Then I lived as a pirate,
living off all the plunder,
Then I left the life I had,
And I went to join Alexander.

Well...I was in a war,
In the cold battlefield,
Way back in the times,
When we used sword and shield.

It was snowing like hell,
I was the king's right hand,
I killed so many people,
Men, women and children for their land.

But death never came to me,
And I became ashamed of my ruthlessness,
And my misunderstanding was that,
He didn't take me up due to my thanklessness.

There was nothing I did better than kill,
So I went into hunting animals,
But I wasn't satisfied, because my mind,
Was trained to kill something more evolved.

So I went into hibernation,
Woke up when the world was at war,
I went and joined battles,
Without knowing what I was fighting for.

I saw the weapons evolve,
From sticks and stones to guns,
I saw battles rage for power,
A disease carried on since the Huns.

But I started to live my life in regret,
Because I ended so many lives,
Is it the fortune of a soldier,
To be stabbed by his conscience's knives?

So I tried to reform myself, To change my Mindset,
To enjoy the little things in life, To stop the way I fret.

And I finally found peace, when I stopped running from my thoughts...
And I stopped blaming myself, for all the unhappy families of the people I had fought.

Somebody else was responsible, I was just a tool,
And I stopped courting war, For I had been a fool.

I enjoyed the beauty of life,
Learnt to love and to care,
I was then ready to die,
To end this life of despair.

Death came nice and slow,
And took me to my fiction,
Up the stairway to bliss,
To cure me of my addiction..."

maybe not so little after all(:P) so yup...that's it...the life of a person who saw a little bit of each war...I hope you liked it...thanks for reading!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Air of a King Chapter 3 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Yo! it's me shadowheart and I'm back with the third chapter of this series as usual forgive me for any mistakes including typing errors. So back to the story.

Chapter 3

The whistle blew and all forms of chatter stopped both on and off the court. The ball was tossed into the air and both teams tensed. Just as the ball began its descent the two centers and captains of both teams jumped with their outstretched arms in a bid to outdo one another and gain ball control. King living up to his name won this confrontation and manage to tip the ball straight towards me.
 As soon as the ball touched the palms of my hands I ran dribbling the ball towards our opponents hoop to shoot. A 3rd year by the name Blaire was ready to stop me but I got past him with momentum alone. I stopped outside the 3 point line and jumped and made a shot. At that moment nothing else mattered to me all I wanted was to get this basket. It was like time stopped and everyone's eyes were just turning towards the ball. Swish......! It went in! We a rag tag team made of freshmen drew first blood and scored first against the national champs.
We had no time to celebrate. For now our opponents had possession of the ball and we had to be ready on defense.  But we did allow ourselves a small smile for our opponents had finally stopped smiling and were now dead serious. Seems like they no longer looked at us as prey to toy around with but now saw us as a predator that was in their territory. For us the freshmen team the game had just begun.
The ball was in the hands of the person nicknamed the 'Child of God' Sakeru. He was the MVP of the nationals and was the PG of the best team around. He slowly dribbled towards us, assessing our defense how we stood, where we stood. Rocky the center of their team as well as the rest was already present at our end along with the rest asking for a pass, wanting to redeem himself for losing the ball at the beginning.
Suddenly, Sakeru shot forward like a bullet dribbling with unbelievable skill . He easily got past Apollo and Zantek. But everyone had their own walls and hardships to face, even a genius like Sakeru. His wall came in the form of Shantz our defense specialist. He was like a wall. Sakeru was having a hard time against him, he was that good. But Sakeru simply smiled and said," If this were a one-on-one you might have stopped me but this is a full game, you won't beat anyone alone." and saying so he sent the ball sailing towards Rocky who instantly smashed into the hoop with a resounding thud.
This was going to be really hard, an uphill battle so to speak. Although, the level in skills was pretty different and evident, we weren't down in fact we relished the thought of it. Right then all we wanted to do was pay them back in full and with interest.
Unfortunately, not everything in life goes according to plan. thanks to that little shot of mine at the beginning the seniors were now aware of me and didn't let me shoot no matter what. All I could do was dribble and pass. Some passes were good but some were intercepted. It wasn't that I was bad, it's just these were the national champs they were way to good. They were ripping us apart. We managed to hang on to their coat tails all thanks to Zantek and Appolo. These were like shooting machines. They could shoot from almost anywhere under the basket. They were shooting so much that they gained the nickname of the 'Shooting Cannons' of the Empire on that very day. Shantz and King did their best on defense while I helped on both fronts. The First quarter was nearing completion when the real problem started. All of us were running out of stamina. Me and Zantek especially. He was shooting like a maniac and I was battling on two fronts. The whistle announcing the end of the 1st quarter saved us.
We somehow got back to our bench, dragging our feet. Zantek promptly collapsed onto the chair. I didn't do much better. The other 1st years who weren't playing helped out a lot by getting us towels and trying to keep our spirits up but we had a serious problem. Zantek was in no condition to play right now, we were a player short. But we couldn't ask these guys to play they were terrified as it is. There is a saying that help always comes at the time when most required and in the strangest ways. For us it was BS the shorty whose position was unknown and who had stepped up to play in the beginning but was missed due to his height. He stood there in front of us and said," I could help. I'm a passing and intercepting specialist. If Raiju plays more offensively then he can decrease the burden on Apollo and Zantek can even rest up." This was the only explanation he offered, no one and I mean no one understood what he said except King. The dude just smiled and told us," I get it. Alright, for this quarter Knight(Raiju) you'll shoot more, I know you can't concentrate on passing and shooting at the same time but you don't have to leave the passing to BS. I've heard of him before. Just send a pass towards one of us and leave the rest to him. So get on court." The rest of the guys went on to court when King clasped my shoulders and whispered to me," Look I know you're tired, but I need you on the court if we are going to get back into this game. These guys have accepted you as the ace as have I. Your role is to protect us and save us when were in a pinch. We are the Empire and you are the Knight of this empire. Strike for us and strike deep into the heart of our opponent. I leave it to you Knight and Ace" I smiled at this and answered the only way I could," With pleasure King and captain."
We walked on to the court for the 2nd quarter. The game would soon be enveloped in a storm full of lightning and strong winds, and the origin of that storm was going to be me Raiju Knight (his first name means lightning beast).

This is the end of the third chapter. I'll be sure to update the fourth chapter is a few days time.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Snow White's Sorrow (POEM by SCREECH)

hey people...I'm back with another lyrical composition...some of you may know about the sexual assault case which happened in India in December last year...it was a huge blow to the country...well...these lyrics are inspired by that case...like a satire...but they follow a different theme in Snow White's perspective in a poetic way...here goes

" 'What was my fault?',
She asks her mother,
'Was it my destiny
To be destroyed by another?'

What could her mom reply,
To such innocence?
What could she say
With a life at expense?

Lost in a concrete jungle
Her soul searches for redemption
Killing all the sinners
And making no exceptions

Her beauty became her curse,
And evil surpassed the Cupid's arrow,
She was shattered and filled with remorse,
This song is about Snow White's sorrow

She lies in bed, poisoned by the apple,
Waiting for her prince to save her,
The prince who was killed in trying,
To fight those who seeked to erase her.

Meanwhile, the witch and her guards,
Admit their crime in front of the people
The kingdom rises in uproar
To behead these unfit creatures.

But alas! The king holds court,
And decides to throw them into prison
'They should rot there', he said,
'Till the end of their last season'

In the meantime she still sleeps,
Her soul afflicted by Satan,
Unaware of how much support,
She has from her whole nation.

Her beauty became her curse,
And evil surpassed the Cupid's arrow,
She was shattered and filled with remorse,
This song is about Snow White's sorrow

She was fighting her death
Down to her last breath
But with a skin she could not shed
She thought better die than to fret

The king was blamed for his ignorance
Blamed for not slaying the devil
Blamed for his wrong ideals
Blamed for siding with the evil

She dies!!!
Taking her pride with her...
She dies!!!
Taking her pride with her..."


I'll be posting a new poem soon....called "Fortune of a soldier"...keep a lookout!! \m/
PS:I'm sorry for the wrong formatting on my previous poems...it made then un-readable...I've changed the background color now...so you can read them now...cheers!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Air of a King chapter 2 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

So, dear viewers it's me shadowheart and i'm back with the second chapter of my story and I honestly hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 2

That day I had my lunch as quickly as I could and made my way towards the basketball courts. When I got there I felt like I was in heaven or at least my version of it. The place had four courts in all gleaming with wooden floors with freshly painted lines and gleaming as though they had been recently cleaned. the balls were packed in huge trolleys and all courts were covered on all four sides with stands and a gallery, just to top it off. But the magical moment of taking it all in was spoiled by a certain someone, the one and only Edward King who came in crashing into me with the momentum of a fired bullet. Instead of apologizing to me all he said was that it was payback for that morning although I have no clue how that incident was my fault.
Just then a howl rippled across the courts. The origin of the sound was a human, a 3rd year to be precise.  It was the club members both old and new. At the forefront of this procession was the regular team, the Empire. They were the national champs for two years running and would soon be going to the next stage or the next age group since they were no longer eligible for the current one. I just stood their shaking in both fear and excitement, this air of a king that they emitted was what I was aiming for, all I wanted to do was challenge them at that moment. Who knew that my wish would soon be granted.
The guy who had howled ordered us 1st years to stand in line and introduce ourselves, as well as what position we played. Honestly, most of the 1st years were pretty plane maybe their were good but among them six people including me stood out and one of these six not for the right reasons. They were King(center), Apollo (Shooting guard), Zantek (power forward), Shantz (Small forward), myself (Point Guard) and a really short and unnoticeable guy by the name BS (??????). I had no idea why but these were the names that kind of stuck in my head, the rest I naturally forgot.
" So how's the bunch this time Sakeru." the words came from the mouth of our coach who had just arrived. Now, Sakeru wasn't the captain but the guy Rocky was, Sakeru or as he was known as the 'Child of God' was the ace of the current team and was one of the best players I have ever heard of. "No clue, coach" was all he said with a rather mischievous smile. The coach then looked at us all and beckoned to the varsity team to come towards him. I had no clue what he told them but they all got a nasty smile as though they were about to have a lot of fun.Rocky then said," Sure Coach should be fun."
" Alright, all first years here me out pick five to seven of yourselves and get warmed up' cause you're about to face the national champs in a game, a full one hour one mind you." was what the coached announced.
Everyone stepped back, first years that is, except the five of us and a sixth player who we missed at the time. When I say the five of us I mean the five names I mentioned excluding BS. I realized one thing at that second these five were going to be my teammates and friends for a long time. The coach smiled looking at us and said " Game begins in a half an hour warm up on court 4 and then step up to court 1. I'll be waiting" We did as we were told and started getting warmed up individually at our designated court. Five minutes before crunch time King gathered the five of us together and said " If you guys don't mind could you mention your special skills so that we are all on the same page and that we have a better chance to beat these smug looking guys." We did as he asked and I found out that Zantek was good under the hoop, while Apollo was originally a point guard so both could drive and shoot from the 3p line. King was a center as he said, Shantz was surprisingly a defense specialist, and I was a bit of a cross between a Shooting guard and point guard since I preferred shooting form the 3p line. At this it dawned on me that King was actually a natural captain and was already managing us all with ease without rubbing off us the wrong way.
 So I said "King, you be the captain you're probably best suited for this role. As for strategies, leave it to me as the point guard and I promise to do my best." No one argued with this, we were already forming a team.
Coach then called us over to court one and told us to get ready. King took me aside and said," I trust you to do what's best. Remember, I am the king and you are the knight , if I pull the team from the front then you push it from the back.I leave the ball to you Knight" All that I could say to this was," Sure King."
We all readied ourselves for the first game of our high school career King stood in the center facing off against Rocky waiting for the ball to be tossed. Time slowed down, the whistle blew and the ball was tossed. The game had begun.
So this is my second chapter I'll update the third chapter soon so, wait for me.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

For Those Who Lost Hope (POEM by SCREECH)

hey readers!!!
I'm back...here's another lyrical composition!!!
I was just thinking about people who really need help, people who get bullied, got inspired after watching Teens react to Amanda Todd's video, uploaded by Fine Brothers (you can check it on youtube)...I know it's weird that I saw it so late, but hey, better late than never...so i thought this up...

"She needs someone to wipe away her tears
She needs someone to kill all her fears

She needs someone who would listen to her cry
She needs someone who won't let her say goodbye

She needs someone to tell her it's alright
She needs someone who will stand up for her and fight

She faces wrath from all those around
All those who drive her face down in the ground

She just needs someone who will understand
Someone who will reach out and hold her hand

She just needs someone who won't let her fall
Some to defend her when her back is to the wall

This song is for those who have lost hope
For those who have dropped but still try to cope
This song is for those looking for a bit of rope
For those who fight even though there's no scope

He needs someone to overpower
He needs someone who will cower

He faces pressure from family and peers
That he has to hide his tears

What will he do? Where will he go?
The people try to help but what do they know?

He gets bullied by those who are older
And in front of the weak, he can be bolder

He just needs someone to hold and cry
Someone who will listen and will not pry

This song is for those who have lost hope
For those who have dropped but still try to cope
This song is for those looking for a bit of rope
For those who fight even though there's no scope

Seek the one who can help you out
You just need to look, just need to scout

It will do no good to scream or shout
Because the feelings thus shown will be in doubt

The world is cruel, expect no mercy
It will tear you apart, make you flimsy
But stay strong and taste the bitter truth

Don't care about anything and live your youth..."


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Air of a King chapter 1 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Well, I'm a classmate of the screechdrummer. This story is a first for me, so I hope everyone who reads this forgives me for any error and post any request or suggestion to make this story better. By the way my pen name is Shadowheart.

Rrrrrrring ........ Rrrrriiiinggg

"Aaahhhhh! What a horrible alarm clock! It is the worst thing to ever enter this household."

That was my mother, insulting my alarm clock for the 100th time this month. But it was the only clock that got the job of waking me up in the morning right. Anyway, small talk aside, the name's Raiju Knight. Both my parents are English but my father's an animator by profession, hence the japanese side to my name. My friends whenever I had any called me Rai or just Knight. Made things a lot simpler for me and the guys around me.  

So, enough with the introductions and all, I'll explain the rest on the way. On my way to school that is.See my father recently got an amazing job in this new town which he naturally accepted. Which leaves me, a teenager(oh! I forgot to tell you I'm fifteen years old) , in a new town, a new school and with absolutely no friends. On the bright side, my new school, or high school I should say, was 'The Games High'. As the name suggests, it's all about sports, this gave me a chance to learn and play some amazing basketball, my favorite sport and my only passion. 

I told my parents that I was leaving and went on my way to school as I would for the next 3 years to come. On the way to school, I was just walking without paying much attention to my surroundings when suddenly 'Bammmm!' somebody knocked into me, leaving us both sprawling on the road. Once my head cleared, I looked at the person who had crashed into me. The dude was tall. Easily a good 3 inches taller than me (I'm 5'9'') his hair was blonde in contrast to my jet black hair. We both apologized to one another then even put the blame on one another. The guy introduced himself as Edward King and I introduced myself as well. I noticed that he was wearing the same uniform as I was. I then looked at my watch and then looked at him. We both knew what time it was, basically we were late on our first day of school. We ran towards the school gate like there was no tomorrow and barely made it in, but the morning assembly had already begun. At that moment all I could think was 'Oh damn! this is so not good'

Later, both of us got scolded and told off like crazy, although we managed to avoid any kind of strict punishment. 

The best thing about this place was that everyday in the afternoon there were no studies, just sports, which we would choose for ourselves and give our all towards. Throughout the morning, I had only one wish, that was to get onto the basketball court and play how much ever I wanted. I was looking forward to this afternoon. Who knew that there was another five people apart form me thinking the same thing, that we six would soon be thrown into a world like we have never seen before and that we six would start a journey like none other.

more soon..."Shadowheart"

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Devil's Daughter (POEM by SCREECH)

just some lyrics i thought up...

"She was so pretty when she walked this earth
As if an angel finally took birth
She was so humble, no pride in her eyes
The words she spoke stopped peoples' cries

So contrasting were daughter and dad
One as good as the other was bad
I knew that I was gone for sure
I looked far and wide to find a cure

Coz I fell in love with the devil's daughter
My love and life's father is a man of slaughter
He who ends all smiles and laughter
And I think my life is ending faster...

The hourglass is almost empty
And being with her is tempting
Does she remember the day we met?
Or doesn't it matter when I'm so close to death

She has a cruel relation
Can't she cause some alleviation?
Maybe save my soul from the brink of extinction
And perhaps free me from this detention?!

Coz I fell in love with the devil's daughter
My love and life's father is a man of slaughter
He who ends all smiles and laughter
And I think my life is ending faster...

She tells me not to live in gloom
Can I stay calm en-route to doom??

Can't stop lovin, can't stop hatin
Why did my heart go to the girl of satan?!?!

A life with her equals death
coz he will track my every breath

But my love is stronger than all evil deeds
It will rid her from lust and greed

I don't care what he'll do now
All I know is that I will not bow

Ill take her and we'll run away
And he will be forced to give up and pray..."