Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Rebel Is Not Dead (The Rebel Is Not Dead - Screech)

The Rebel Is Not Dead

Part 1 - Who?

War, had begun.

The sky was blood red.
As the sun blazed,
Forcing the stars and the birds into hiding.

The Demon King and the Ice Queen had gone.

The music I used to listen to was lost in the storm.
Everything I had was now in the ashes.
In the wake of the war, I got buried beneath the horde.

I was supposed to be a leader,

How could I be afraid?
That was not a question I wanted to answer.
So I disappeared,
From the kingdom and the fear.
I ran far away for my life.
I had my own wars waging inside.

The kingdom was lost,

There was no king, no queen.
The people, they ruled themselves.
There was nobody to direct their dreams.

They became sick of each other.

"Where's the rebel?", they asked.
I became a myth to some,
While others believed I was dead,
And they stopped believing in my cause.

I had found a new place,
With people of a similar headspace.
It had green grass and butterflies,
And everything else that was nice.

I kept tabs on the kingdom,
I had to know what was going on.
"So the rebel is finally dead...", some would say.
"No, he'll come back...", the others would retort.

I did go back,
Once or twice, in disguise.
Few recognized me.

They said I'd lost my mind,
I wasn't the rebel they had expected to find.
They said I had changed,
And that I was better off dead,
They set a price on my head.

I found myself looking into the mirror,
Grounded in reality,
Or so I thought.

I found myself asking,
Time and again,
As to what I was doing,
And whether I really wished for this.

Whether I lost the war,
Or won it,
Was irrelevant now.
It was about who I was,
And how I am,
Possibly how I would be.

Part 2 - What?

What will you do?
When the world collapses,
When two universes collide,
When the rage builds up inside.

What will you do?
When an unstoppable force,
And an immovable object,
Both fall to their own demise.

I'm not a god,
I'm not a hero,
I'm not a friend,
I'm just the end.

I'm not all the things,
That they say I am.

I'm not all the same,
As how you see me.
I'm not anything,
That they expect from me.

I'm just a little kid.
Lost in time,
Lost in words,
Lost in thoughts,
Lost in things that can never be bought.
Lost in everyday,
Lost in every sight,
Lost in the same old life.

What will you do?
When everyone looks to you,
And you just feel like crumbling.

I'm not what you think I am,
I'm a performer,
I'm a shapeshifter,
I'm whatever I need to be.

I'm just a player,
On the wrong stage.
On the wrong track,
But on the right train.
I'm the right person,
At the wrong place.

On the brink of self destruction,
I've gotten lost in disconnection.
I've gone too fast again,
To catch up with myself.

No thoughts,
No looking before I leap,
Like a machine.

A machine amongst humans,
Oh what a sight!
While butterflies fly around my head,
Under a sun that shines too bright.

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