Saturday, June 23, 2018

Dämon Kaiser, the Demon King (Lost Souls Part 2, The Rebel Is Not Dead - Screech)

Dämon Kaiser

I stood in the court of the demon king,
Telling him about the kingdom in the north,
And the queen that loved him so.

He was least bothered,
Sipping blood red wine,
Surrounded by succubi,
While I was running out of time.

I asked him,
To play a little game of war,
I told him,
He would get all he could ever ask for.

He was intrigued,
He said he liked challenges,
So I challenged him,
To thaw the Ice Queen's heart.

He laughed,
He laughed hard and long.
He said she wasn't worth his time,
He loved someone else instead.

As he mentioned the name of the one he seeked,
I felt a cold chill up my spine, and an icy breeze across my neck.

This was her doing,
The queen had played her hand,
It didn't seem right though.

Who would set up a plot,
In which they end up losing?
It was all too confusing.

So I left the king's court,
I ran into foreign lands,
Trying to escape,
The queen and her icy hands.

The birds guided me to the see,
Where I lay on the sand,
I gazed up at the stars,
And wondered what she had planned.

It was an oddly familiar tale,
I'd heard not long ago.
A distant memory,
That didn't make sense anymore.

Was it my past?
Or was it someone else's?
How could I tell,
If I was sober or senseless?

But I remembered,
A way,
A path,
Not ideal in any way.
But it was all I could see.

A woven web of water,
And an intricate immaculate inferno.
Fused to create an anomaly,
One that seemed too right.

It was a beautiful lie,
That they both had to believe,
Albeit just for a moment,
And then it would be just right.

The ice had begun to thaw,
The snow was melting,
The king's fire was unrelenting.

But it was all for naught.

The queen had a trap,
And it was sprung,
The king's heartfelt desire,
A princess stood in front.

I saw the king,
Pour his heart out to her,
And I saw her,
Play him like a pawn.

I warned him,
The princess was an illusion.
This was the queen's plan,
To make him fall for her,
To make her fall for him,
Save her own skin,
Save her heart the pain.

He didn't listen,
He was blinded and drunk.
He barely paid attention to my words of wisdom.

So I took the king,
To the frozen land,
Played my own hand,
Melted the ice one step at a time.

The kingdom and the people,
Sprung to life,
But the queen was nowhere in sight.

She'd hidden herself,
High up in the mountains,
And no way to reach her.

There was one she feared,
He was,
The demon king.

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