Saturday, June 23, 2018

Butterfly (The Psych's Shrink, The Rebel Is Not Dead - Screech)

Butterfly (The Psych's Shrink)

Entry 1 - The Butterfly's Words

You know, there's a version of me,
Not by choice, but it's as sad and miserable as I can be.
It's vulnerable.

But everyday I wake up, I choose,
Not to be another broken person in this already broken world.
I choose to be happy, because that's what I want to be.

Entry 2 - The Wind

I let you in,
You let me in,
That how it all started.

You intrigued me, and I wanted to get to know you better.
Still do.
But I knew enough to know, there was something different about it all.

Some say opposites attract,
Well, we should be stuck for life then.
The things you say to me are never lost on me.
I get everything you say,
But sometimes I pretend not to,
Just to hear you say more.

I see the perfection,
That you and I can be,
More than the reflection of,
The stars in the deep blue sea.

We're harmony.

The things of the heart,
Are complicated,
With a million strings,
Leading to a billion different clues.

But with you it's simple,
Straightforward and easy,
It takes no effort to speak my mind,
Because you have something to speak right back.

We're like a surreal supernova,
The consequence of the butterfly effect,
Halfway across the world,
Separated by the date line.

You're a wonder,
That never ceases to amaze me,
You're the lightning to my thunder,
That always illuminates me.

You probably don't realize,
The things you do,
They make you,
Exactly who I know you are.

Entry 3 - The Hurricane

You and I are not so different, you know.
I be whoever I need to be.
Depending on what I see fit,
I talk in that persona.

You like talking to people,
So you be what you want to be around them,
You be what you see fit for them,
Say what you see fit for them.

I'm like you,
But I exercise a little more control,
All in or not, nobody can ever tell,
Whether I'm gone or I've already fell.

Energy balls, that's what we are.
But I control my outlets,
Because that's what brought me this far.

But you let me out of that cage,
You let me burn up all my rage,
And soothed it with your talks,
Probably not realizing that,
We're on a journey,
Of a thousand walks.

A black hole in front of you,
I know my way around them,
I could help,
But that's your call.
Whichever way you want it.

Entry 4 - The Psych's Shrink

"Let's talk",
She says,
But he can't,
He's too disconnected.

"Tell me why..."
She begins,
But he can't,
He's too afraid it'll end.

Like all the times before,
The people got scared and ran out the door,
Like every other face he'd seen,
With an expression of horror and disbelief.

Like every night he'd stayed up talking,
To people who barely knew him,
He'd listen to all their problems,
He'd solve them with the best of intentions.

And every time he spoke,
About the things that he faced,
The same people called him,
Mad, insane, and crazed.

"It'll be fine, you're okay.
It's just a bad day."
The things he'd made them believe,
He could never believe in it.
What he said was impersonal,
It didn't fit the problems he saw everyday.

But she dug and dug,
And he didn't resist.
He nearly dug it himself,
Not a grave,
But a foundation,
Of a place he had once erased.

A person long forgotten,
A hero that he once was.
A performer craving for a stage,
A poet, writing away on a page.

Entry 5 - The Rebel's Words

The exception in an exception's life,
Guess you never saw that coming,
It's all just the rhythm I'm drumming,
The beats of our hearts,
The chords that we're strumming,
We're both just running.

It's never been this real,
With anyone else.
I guess you made me let myself go.

I hope my words help you,
Some sunny day.
It's like that song I like to sing,
About that angel afraid of the light.
With a broken halo but fight in her eyes.

I'm the music, you're the lyrics,
It's a combination, that can awaken dead spirits.

I'll tell you what people know about you,
They know that you have a slightly troubled past,
And a somewhat restricted present,
That you know the world is a fucked up place,
But you don't care, you've made your own space.

You're happy, you're sweet,
You're almost innocent.
You care too much,
And you hold on too long,
And you want everyone to be,
As good as you are.

I wish one day, you see at par,
You accept that you're meant to go far.
Hold on, though I'm just another star,
Don't burn out too quickly... you're my shrink, after all.

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