Thursday, May 23, 2019

Superficially Smart Little Finites (Subliminal - Screech)

Superficially Smart Little Finites

You want to fight?
You wouldn't last ten minutes,
And call the rest of the world immature.
Your development is arrested,
Go on, judge me mate,
All brain, no brawn,
But you still coming second.
Blind firing, hoping to hit my center of mass,
I'm about to hit back,
I'm residently evil, I'm sinister,
You're just a mystery man with a mystery van.
Oh boy,
You have no respect for boundaries,
Do ya?
You'll die alone across state lines,
No man's graveyard for ya.
It's happened many a time for me to ignore it.
Do you seriously arrive at the same conclusions,
At the same time, man? Holy shit.
I don't know what your game is,
But trust me when I say,
I can kick your butt in CS.
Eh, not like you'll ever play it,
You want people to beat you in your own game.
Your rules, your policies,
Sadly, nobody likes you,
Nor your stupid fallacies.
Man you've never heard of taking it slow,
Have ya?
Cool then, do what you will,
That's why people run away,
From ya.
Go on, sink your teeth in,
Call yourself an angel,
While you feed off the pain in my neck,
Set up camp in the places I bled.
Never had an original idea anyway,
You're living off the fantasies I created in my head.
Get a life son, you'll never even come close.
Because I know who you are,
You'll always need a host,
Because I know what you are,
“Baby's got a black soul,
Baby's got no control,”
You'll remain here as a ghost.
Wait a minute, hold up,
I need to get a little info,
It's about a game you played.
If I'm not back in five minutes,
Don't you go and get scared.
What's this about forty something women,
That you seemingly dated?
You punching above your weight, son?
Sit your ass down you pleb,
Let me make it clear,
No one cares.
Fake fucking fighter,
You think you're a rebel?
Nah mate, you're just a parasite.
Come on now, try to grab a bite.
I'll crush you like mosquitoes in the night.
That's right, pipsqueak,
Let's go, let's fight,
I'm ready anytime,
Just know your death is nigh.

You think people need your approval?
You're not even close to functional,
Ace over a king,
They could bypass you entirely,
You can't stop them from breathing freely.
You're in a position of power, you dumb fuck,
You've made life hell for the people you say you love.
You're out of your depth here,
Yeah I'm talking smack,
I know you know that.
Threatened by everyone,
Insecure as hell, spewing yik yak.
People don't talk back,
So you think that you get a pass?
Little fucking eaglet,
With a mind absolutely whack.
Oh, I'm sorry,
Is my attitude out of line?
Oh, it's just,
Frustrating to see this all the time.
Once again,
With all these lectures you've got time for,
Wasting time, wasting light,
Speaking of management that you die for.
Twice again,
With these stunts you're trying to pull,
Aiming low, firing high,
Your magazine is far from full.
You don't know which fights to pick,
You'll just end up being a fool.
You can only set up frameworks,
You'll never understand the tools.
Don't talk to me about rules,
When you can't follow them too,
Before you go being a hypocrite,
Make sure you don't swing your mood.
You seem to have a new friend,
What's up with that?
You're scared of her as well,
Am I supposed to feel sad?
You've got yourself into a trap son,
Be mad.
Can't crawl out of this synthetic depth,
Eagle's little pretty lad,
“Can't fight the urge to act like the man,
So I'll take it out on others just because I can,
It'll all go according to my plan.”

Jeez man,
I don't even know what you want.
What the hell is your point?
When does it ever stop?
You're like a black hole,
Sucking everything, no exceptions.
You think the eagle can read the time?
That's a joke if I've ever read one.
Block out the sun,
Why don't ya?
Interfere everywhere, kill the fun,
Why don't ya?
You're left with nothing my dude,
Everyone knows this, even you.
“Invest everywhere! I need a slave, mate!”
Ideally speaking, you should be out the gate.
Thinking you’ve got hands of the law,
Look here, I’ve got the hands of fate.
Spinning a web of truth,
Hitting harder than Babe Ruth,
Cutting faster than a chainsaw.
“We can revitalize,
Tell me your problems,
It's an opportunity to waste some time.”
Possibilities, technologies,
Wasted on turning water to wine.
Knowledge burned to cinders,
We volunteered to the slaughter of our kind.
But you think you did it all,
And sent it up the grapevine.
You can do you,
But let us be us.
Tu no eres nosotros,
Vete, abuelo reloj.

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