Thursday, May 23, 2019

Cheers (Subliminal - Screech)


Oh two zero one one,
Biggest year I had under the sun.
Got some choice words for it,
Had some mind games on it,
Got through it,
Found myself trapped in all of it.

Let's start at the beginning,
When I was so used to losing,
Never thought I'd be a winner,
Never knew I could be a singer.
Never knew I knew music so well,
Never knew how much I could tell,
Never knew the name of the casted spell,
Just an awkward kid going through hell.

I didn't find my stride till halfway through.
That summer was insane,
Have I got news for you.
Sit down, grab a drink,
It's about to get hot.
Here's the tale,
Of a touch-me-forget-me-not.

Was of the mind to never settle.
Made crazy so crazy it felt subtle.
Was too mature for my age (so they say),
Listening to all sorts of metal.

Sent to a place I didn't know,
A place I didn't wanna go.
Twenty-twenty hindsight,
It wasn't so bad.
Things that surrounded it though,
For a million quid in unmarked bills,
Shit, I wouldn't go back.

In the heat I rode,
Compromise I made with hope,
I'd find a way of life,
Ended up falling twice.
Fourteen years old,
Yet so mature,
Asked a question, spoke no metaphor,
Apparently teddy bears are a better cure.
Mr.Bean's friend found a foe.
Somebody that I used to know,
Yes, yes, Miss Polyester,
That's who I'm talking about.
But you already know that story,
If you don't, it's out there in all its glory.
So I'll skip ahead, to different things.
Haven't got enough time or lines.

Like the guy who's name was king,
He had the air too.
“Dude perfect” before it was a thing,
Somehow this kid knew every meaning,
But chose to be dumb.
Little did I know,
It's more common than I was thinking.

There was also this other miss,
God her games were good.
She gave Miss Polyester a run,
Good enough for the history books.
She was like raindance maggie,
Tacticizing and giving free evil looks.
Eh, I don't think it matters.
In the long run,
We never really chattered.
Though I sometimes think,
Maybe I should've.
If one thing led to another,
Who knows where I might've been, right?
Shout out to the effect of the butterfly.

I remember thunder,
The first bird I saw in a storm.
Texted enough to make my phone warm.
I can't drop names,
But I can tell you how cool she was.
She was the first little game,
That fabricated my fame,
T'was my brightside brother's birthday,
And next morning she went on vacay.
But we talked and talked a lot,
Messages meant much more than not,
We found a good stride, we thought,
But it wasn't enough, so what?
We called it quits but still talked,
She went to a new city next term,
And eventually drifted apart.

Miss “I don't care” bear predicted this would happen,
She knew more than she let on,
But she was pretty influenced from what I saw,
So I guess I still held the high ground.

Most of my time was in music though,
Had a band and played in school shows,
Went on hikes, jammed, and explored,
A side of me I didn't yet know,
From Bullets to Bodom to Sevenfold.
It seems so far away now,
But it was so special to me back then,
I fought wars to keep on playing,
And yet, now I don't want any of it.
Got sidetracked there a bit,
Let's keep going.
I met people I'll never forget.

Like the architect,
Who's doomsday was near,
Thanks to synthetic love,
And a perfect natural harmony,
Singing songs of misery's company.
Or the lost voice,
Who was living under the shadow of the one he looked up to,
Didn't know it wasn't shelter,
Didn't know what he felt either.
Or the confused cat,
Who was unsure of his worth to the ones he loved,
And found peace doing what others did,
Went in the weeds with the stupid shit,
Fell sick, like that whole generation of kids.
Or the one who didn't fear the reaper,
The one who's chords still echo from the afterlife.
The incarnation of lazarus,
Who disambiguated decisions that drove me past delusions.
Or the kid wonder,
Who just had too much too fast,
Who tried to catch the wind, and ended up joining last.

Not so fast,
Haven't reached the things that made me sick.
Not in a bad way,
But there was another one of my trade.
Beat him at his own game,
But never got the respect I fought to make.
Doesn't matter, I'm not mad,
He got his chance, it's good to see him back.
There were the younguns,
That I won't talk about,
Just know that they were obnoxious,
Like they always are,
Skills abundant but no cigar,
Like a defect with no policy of a return.

There was my brother,
Who wanted to walk and be a Foo Fighter,
Couldn't make it that one time,
But he came back stronger,
Now we're just coprime,
And our silence speaks volumes.

Let's see, who am I forgetting?
Possibly some characters I didn't see.
Or didn't think to include,
Because of their negligible impact.
This seems good enough.
Anybody feeling left out,
Be sure to hit me up.

Who am I kidding?
They won't even understand,
Let alone ask me about it.
So I'll leave this here and get some sleep,
I'm tired, it's been rough.
ScreechDrummer's the name,
Goodnight and cheers love!

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