Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Games (Poem by Screech)


Oh twenty-twelve,
The year the world would end.
Probably another trend,
Bent and broken as you fell.
I sat back with my popcorn,
Had my 3D glasses.
It was like a fairytale,
Of a lass from ye old classics.
Oh, you can have your games.
Oh, you can play.
But one thing you didn't know,
I am a jack of all trades.

You sure had your fun,
I don't even know what you're up to now.
Well, it doesn't matter.
I'll finish with this set,
And serve it up on a platter.

Let's start at the beginning.
When you were so used to winning
Got in the middle row,
You made a killing,
Interrupting everyday of my living.

“You're alive! You're breathing!
Hey! You're easily believing!
I hope you don't mind,
I'll say that I care,
I'll pretend,
But to be honest,
I just want this dude,
Who happens to be your friend!”

Gosh! Zoinks! Jinkies!
Jeepers creepers!
“Beware brother!
There's a woman,
And she ain't a keeper!”
There was definitely something sinister.
Being the meddling kid I am,
I just had to insist on,
Caution, precaution, and everything safe.
You were someone who jumped straight to third base.
You did too!
You made him fall,
Hook line and sinker.
Easy for you,
He wasn't much of a thinker.
He didn't observe,
The blatant nonchalance.
He just played along,
Like every musician at the dance.

I told him, I warned him,
Sad that he just heard.
While you were busy setting me up,
With an artist, and a mistress.
Yeah, the mistress of words.
Hell, that's scarred me for life now,
Thanks, I guess.
Words, stars, birds, shrinks,
All jumbled up in a mess.
Whatever, part of it is my fault,
I should've played these riddles then,
But I'm playing them now.
Maybe I'll never move on.

Seven months down the line,
Through jams, and treks, and hikes.
I broke through to his open mind,
Showed him the path that you were hoping to find.
“Oh, I know all about all that, brother.
But I'm in too deep, so is she.
Now we need each other.
We've gone beyond something either of us has known,
So we're just carrying on.
I hope I help her find what she's looking for.”

He's Mr.Architect now,
Back then he was still a pupil.
He told me all about the ways that you steal from people.
You stole from him,
You stole from me.
But I kept score,
You owe me this and so much more.

He told me,
If I ever asked you,
You'd kick me out,
Hell, that's where I wanted to go,
That's what it was all about.
You made my life a living hell,
All my friends were too sweet to say.
To you maybe,
But to me they said,
Everything that I'd already known.
“You're stuck in a bad place, dude.
Get out while you still can,
There's got to be something you can do.”

Oh, you thought I was crooked?
Well hell, I was already broken.
Obviously you didn't see it coming,
I saw you scrambling for a solution.
I saw every gear turn in your head,
Thinking of every way,
To have and eat your cake,
But all you could see was red.
I was a threat,
Something you never catered.
And you didn't see it unfold,
Right next to you in that theater.
Knew me so well,
But yet not enough.
Little Miss Polyester,
Never met a match so tough.

Came over to my house,
I didn't think that you would.
I was caught off guard,
I'll admit, that was good.
Bet you thought I'd collapse,
Under the pressure you put up with that trap,
It was utter crap.
My level of control is off the map.

You really thought I was crooked?
You even tried to rewrite the words.
All you did was break a curse,
My plan was beautiful,
It worked wonders,
Though sometimes it still hurts.

But guess what, honey,
You can't match my cunning.
I don't care about me,
I can self-destruct and still end up winning.
Not something you're used to,
I could tell by the way you ran.
Two years down the line,
You still couldn't look me in the eyes.
Good riddance,
Thanks for everything,
You got me thinking.
Somehow that helped me be who I am.
Not that I'm proud,
But I can raise hell at anytime.
I hope you're not pulling this shit anywhere else,
Trust me, you don't want to.
There's many like me out there,
Though I doubt they can take my place.

So here I still am,
Running blind, flying free,
Away from the mundane,
Aloof from the wannabes,
And if you ever want a rematch,
You know exactly where to find me.

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