Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Optimist (H-to-O, "O", Poem by Screech)

So this is it readers. This is what it all has lead to.
The conclusion of HtoO, I'll let you in on a secret, it has something related to all the poems I've written so far in HtoO.
The rhyme scheme is also a little weird, but it had a certain appeal to it, so I kept it.
read on, maybe you'll get goosebumps the way I did while recollecting all the other poems and writing this one.

"The Optimist"

He's known by many names,
He has reasons,
He has passions,
He has his own little games.

He's sometimes called empty,
He never was,
He never will be,
He says nothing is not tempting.

He's the one who understands,
He has sense,
He has strength,
He says his life is in his hands.

He has his own cause,
He's determined,
He's locked,
He doesn't want another loss.

He used to search the black sky,
He had a star,
He had a wish,
He wanted to rest his eyes.

He had trains of thought in his head,
He was crazy,
He was insane,
He used to design his paths ahead.

He can play any role he wants,
He's versatile,
He's nimble,
He never says he can't.

He used to keep moving,
He had a goal,
He had a line,
He never stopped believing.

But he lost, with a smile,
He never used to sleep,
And he thought it was a waste of time,
Till he saw how dark was the deep,
And he heard moving was insane,
He tried to ask a shooting star,
But the star kept burning away,
So the optimist was reborn.

He never was really fake,
He was real,
He was different,
He didn't have fights to take.

He tried to be original,
He's an actor,
He's a performer,
He does whatever is really critical.

He has plans in his mind,
He has a path,
He has a way,
He can leave them all behind.

He's sometimes way too formal,
He's warm,
He's caring,
He says everything is normal.

He fights both light and dark,
He knows,
He explains,
He says both sides bear the mark.

He can shine in the limelight,
He's the spine,
He's the core,
He rages against all his might.

But he was crazy for a star,
At times he went insane,
And he knew it was the one for his heart,
Till he got burned and lay in pain,
And he knew he had to fall asleep,
But his mind was still asking,
He was sure there was still a way, 
so the optimist started to dream.

In his dreams were ideal worlds,
He had amazing amazing times.
But when the sun rose up he woke,
And he cried and cried and cried.

He had lost it all,
He was alone,
He was sad,
He could think of just a fall.

But he saw what dreams could be,
So he set out to set them free,
To make them his reality.

He saw what he could do,
So he set out to make it true,
To live his life as it grew.

For one last time,
He looked up at the sky,
He saw his favorite star,
And he said his awkward goodbye.

Then he set off to climb his trees,
To get closer to where he wanted to be,
Across mountains he was ready to go,
The optimist had set another goal.


so there it is readers, that is it,
that is HtoO.
something big, made into something small.
it has a LOT of connections between the poems, maybe if you have time on your hands you could research into it and probably get some new insight into it (or into you, you never know.)

will I be writing more poems? most probably yes, it's something I keep doing from time to time, HtoO was something else though, maybe one of you will find out why.

Cheers... ScreechDrummer

Neanic Passion (H-to-O, "N", Poem by Screech)

hello readers, yes, I apologize for this being late, but I wanted to post both of the final poems at one go. It took me some time to find the perfect pictures to make the artwork for these two, hence the delay.
I split this poem into 3 chapters, each with a different state of mind.
anyway, Neanic basically means youthful (or in this case, immature, hence "Immature Amateur's Life-ology") so what is it about?
read on.

"Neanic Passion"

Chapter 1: Retire

Dead inside,
No peace in my mind,
No motivation in my heart.

None of a kind,
Letting go of my pride,
I looked for a life among the stars.

An astronaut,
Felt like I'd forgot,
What it was to feel brave.

An imaginary plot,
A story that was not,
It will go with me to my grave.

Felt no throe,
The story existed though,
It went on and on in my head.

No sweat from my brow,
An empire of gold,
An alchemist's wonder turned to lead.

Turned parasite,
Stayed awake all night,
Designing a spaceship to fly so far.

Crashed before flight,
Wounded and in plight,
Hung all my hopes on a star.

Fell into day,
A morning of disarray,
Opened the doors to a different life.

No work all play,
An amateur's way,
Was one I'd decided to leave behind.

The story was done,
I made another one,
But the protagonist was now a blank.

But the darkness was fun,
When I got burned by the sun,
Away from the light I sank and sank.

Motivated again,
No love no pain,
The second tale went on.

Insanely sane,
No work no gain,
The story was too far gone...

Chapter 2: Reset

Maybe I should start living once more,
This new life shouldn't be the same as before,
The power I have in my mind is a force,
Untapped, Untouched, Unused and pure.

More objectives lie ahead, in front,
But my head is just as sharp as blunt.
Try and try Until I break through,
To the other side which is supposed untrue.

Chapter 3: Recover

Asleep in a bliss,
Waiting for a kiss,
Dormant, a volcano rests.

Inertia insists,
It hurts but resists,
A rebirth to reclaim the better than the best.

Worst left unsaid,
Don't fear the dread,
What lies ahead never makes itself known.

Hang on by a thread,
For glory I was bred,
I will reap from the seeds that I have sown.

That was Neanic Passion (Part 1 of Immature Amateur's Life-ology)
lookout for Part 2, which is the conclusion of HtoO, "The Optimist"

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Maniac (H-to-O, "M", Poem by Screech)

so, I know I'm late with this one.
I edited and rendered the art for it, and then, I forgot to upload this.
Anyway, this is a poem that has been called "too personal" or "too real" by people who've read it before.
I'd say, read on, and form your own opinion! :D

The Maniac

"Here we go again."
She thinks as he approaches,
To speak to her, smiling wide,
She smiles back, to hide the frown built up inside.

"Why is he so different?"
She thinks as he greets her,
Meets her eyes, puts her at ease,
Let's her start the talk, and carries on to speak.

"Am I the only one?"
She thinks as he gazes dreamily,
Still smiling, trying to read her face,
She tries the same but can't read a trace.

"He's been trying at least."
She thinks as he looks beyond,
His eyes wandering, but coming back to her,
He was restless as always, it was clear.

"Something wrong?"
She asks him as he shakes his head,
"He always does that."
She thinks as he goes back,
In a dream but he still holds her eyes,
Speaking in auto-pilot about things she likes.

"Are you alright?"
She asks in worry as he says he's fine.
"He always says that."
She thinks as he says it back,
But his eyes say something else,
But what? She could never tell.

She's always confused,
He speaks in riddles,
She tries to solve them,
But gives up in the middle.
Hidden messages that she can never find,
Say that the maniac has loved her for a long time.

"I barely know him."
She thinks as silence holds them,
He's run out of things to talk about, he says,
She laughs at this common topic they share.

"At least he's not fake."
She thinks as he laughs with her,
His gaze now focused on her,
Carefully choosing his words,
To let her know he's going, and not to leave her hurt.

"Why is he never easy?"
She thinks as he walks away,
After saying an awkward goodbye,
He half turns, but doesn't look behind.

She turns away, her mind still on him,
As she resists the urge to turn around,
She shakes her head, clearing her thoughts,
And goes on with her life, till the maniac makes another call.

keep a lookout for the next one- Neanic Passion
Cheers... ScreechDrummer

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lady Of The Stars (H-to-O, "L", Poem by Screech)

So, I was a little hesitant about uploading this poem, since it is a descriptive poem, something I've never actually done before, but then I thought 'whatever, what can happen will happen' so here it is, I consider this to be another one of my best works, so I hope you enjoy it!

"Lady Of The Stars"

A simplistic mark, I thought,
Could it even be? Or was I wrong?
I waited, my doubts had to be abated.

I'd not done this since a while ago,
Studying her face was like an unknown tomorrow.
I couldn't figure out whether it was just to easy,
Or was it all real? The honesty, the zeal?

A soothing voice, a tender sight,
Made me go insane in figuring her mind.
But there was nothing but innocence,
With a tinge of dark and a simple ambiance.

Like the evening sky pierced by golden rays,
Her hair was the perfect balance of night and day.
Her face could make the werewolves howl,
And her eyes could calm their soul.

A lady of the stars,
Shed her light into the night,
Illuminating the dark sky,
Like someone was playing god anigh.

In solitude, I thought,
Could she be? Or was I deceived?
I was obsessed, I had to give it a rest.

But I'd never ever felt it before,
Seeing her smile rocked me to the core,
I couldn't figure out why it was all such chaos,
Or was it just me and my head being to engrossed?

A radiant grace and the perfect words,
Could make me go crazy and turn over my world.
But her cognition was all just pure,
All perfectly untouched in her mind so sure.

Like the milky way, etched in space,
Her hands were mellow, holding their embrace,
Her touch could build, her touch could erase,
And her calm could make you find peace anyplace.

A lady of the stars,
Shed her light to show what's right,
Illuminated the dark night,
Like someone was playing god anigh.

Keep a lookout for the next one- "The Maniac"

Cheers... ScreechDrummer

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Kinesthesiac (H-to-O, "K", poem by Screech)

Here is poem number 4 in the H-to-O collection.
it's called "The Kinesthesiac" which is not a word that exists, but in my dictionary it means someone who keeps moving, someone who doesn't stop for others, why? read on.

"The Kinesthesiac"

He sees the void he runs,
From an illusion called control.
He wants to be his own,
For ever and ever more.

As the skies turn from blue to red to grey,
His eyes keep wandering form one to another astray.

Blindness he sees all around and starts to wonder,
Why everyone is so still, when the world is torn asunder.

He sees happy bubbles, and sad sad houses.
He sees cute cuddles, and mad mad arouses.
He sees great dreams, and small small sparks.
He sees a few downstream, and many more in the darks.

He observes the static and fails to understand,
Why they hold onto dreams and lands,
He observes the static and goes his own way,
A kinesthesiac, one who keeps moving, always.

He hears the rain, he calms,
Due to the delusion called control.
He wants to hear this encore,
Always and forever more.

As the sky changes from black to red to blue,
His ears keep listening, to all the lies and trues.

Silence he hears all around and he starts to think,
Why everyone loves to be so close to the brink.

He hears excited shouts, and crazy crazy screams,
He hears droning moans, and lazy lazy reveals.
He hears amazing speeches, and tiny tiny voices,
He hears some break the silence, and many more deaf in the noises.

He observes the static but fails to realize,
Why they hold onto memories like a prize,
He observes the static but he rarely ever stays,
A kinesthesiac, one who keeps moving, always.

He never stops, he keeps on going,
The man who can't be glued.
He doesn't wait, but understands,
That others don't like the ablude.

So he keeps on walking, trying to figure out,
The words of the static, and what they're on about.

But he's too afraid to stop,
Should he turn static himself,
Then there will be none,
That can see beyond all hell.

So he will stick around, but not for long,
He's the kinesthesiac, on who keeps moving on.

look out for the next release- "Lady Of The Stars"
cheers... ScreechDrummer

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Jack Of All Trades (H-to-O, "J", poem by Screech)

And the third one.
Jack of all trades is really straightforward, a guy who's good at everything.
But the other side of this definition is never considered, what if a Jack of all trades wants to be the best at something?
Can he just be good at everything or can he become the best at something if he wants? If he doesn't achieve it, what happens?
That's what this is about.
Read on, enjoy.

Jack Of All Trades

I am lost,
I've no direction,
I don't know where to begin.
I've been gone for far too long,
And my powers are all stretched thin.

I had dreams,
I had some visions,
I don't know where they went.
I've been good for far too long,
And I think I'm finally spent.

I was strong,
I had aggression,
I don't know when it stopped.
I've been safe for far too long,
And now I think my mind is locked.

I was great,
I had cohesion,
I don't know how I was a god.
I've been mortal for far too long,
And the feeling just feels odd.

Never the best, I was good at the rest,
So my failures should be far from few.
But now I'm insane, my work is my pain,
So here's what I say to you.

Master of nothing, I've been this way,
Far too long I've been going astray,
Jack of all trades, that's what they say,
Far too long I've been cast away.

I was mighty,
I was invincible,
I was the one to hold the crown.
I've been on the top for far too long,
And now I think I will hit the ground.

I'm sick of being good,
I'm sick of being tired,
I'm sick of the times I've not been inspired.

I'm sick of these words,
I'm sick of these notes,
I'm sick of the times I've written these quotes.

I'm sick of the world,
I'm sick of the people,
I'm sick of the millions and millions of sheeple.

I'm sick of the power,
I'm sick of the greed,
I'm sick of the ones who think they're in need.

What the hell went wrong?
Why am I losing?
Is this what they mean, by decomposing?
How the hell am I here, How am I mediocre,
When I was the best, When I was my stoker.
Where did it go? Where is it lost?
Am I searching for something that isn't the cause?
So here I still am, Just walking true,
And here is what I will say to you.

Master of nothing, So I've been called,
Leaving the people agape and appalled,
Jack of all trades, they say I recall,
Still better than most, I'm afraid, after all.

keep a lookout for the next one- The Kinesthesiac

Cheers... ScreechDrummer

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Insomniac (H-to-O, "I", poem by Screech)

and here's the second poem readers!
I had internet issues today, otherwise I would've posted it in the morning itself, nevertheless, the insomniac seems pretty straightforward when you hear the name, the poem itself is not exactly so.
I feel it's definitely one of my best works so far, so read on and enjoy!

"The Insomniac"

Looking out the window he sees,
a sky filled just with stars.

Darkness has taken over his world,
He waits for the moon to talk.

Winter nights have made him more cold,
The fire is all but gone.

Dreams with his open eyes,
The ceiling holds his art.

A yearning that just won't go away,
His eyes look for his heart.

He lies waiting for his sleep,
His insomnia has no cure,
He longs for those sweet, sweet dreams,
His hell has no exit door.

Waiting for a knock on the door,
He makes an excuse to wake.

Memories of his forgotten lore,
Slowly return to ease the ache.

Silence whispers in his ears,
As he dreams with open eyes,
Of what he could and would have done,
If only his will had survived.

Waiting for the crimson to break through,
His soul wanders in the night.

The darkness at times feels so true,
Like the black that seems so bright.

He paints his dreams in the air,
And his breath erases it all away.

He longs for a sweet. sweet voice,
As the wind makes it all decay.

A new day ends when the sun sets again,
The people keep asking him to live in yesterday,
His sanity is what drives them insane,
A different truth is just lies for the mundane.

The venom of words hangs in the air,
Burning hot like the light of Altair,
Mocking away at his castles in the air,
Winding his thoughts like heaven's stair.

His eyes close long before the sunrise,
His thoughts quiet down as the sky goes cerise.

Sleep envelops him at the end of the night,
The insomniac rests as the world runs outside.

Cheers... ScreechDrummer

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Heart Of Silicon (H-to-O, "H", poem by Screech)

the first one is here readers!
"Heart Of Silicon"

the thought process was, Silicon being a semi-conductor, doesn't conduct fully, nor does it resist fully.
well after a LOT of thinking, Heart Of Silicon came about, about a person who lives for keeping the balance in the world.
it was an interesting concept to me, so here is what I wrote.

"Heart Of Silicon"

Right or wrong, the world decides,
But I give strength to the weaker side.

Good or evil, the world chooses,
But I take the side of the one who loses.

I strive to be just,
To be equal to all,
I am the one to trust,
I have a heart of silicon.

Who is in power, the world will fight,
But I give power to the powerless might.

Who is the leader, the world will vote,
But I am the one who rows the drowning boat.

Who is the martyr, the world will cry,
But I give life, to the ones who die.

Who is true, the world builds the spire,
But I spread darkness in the light of the liar.

I live to be fair,
To give a chance to you all,
I am the one who dares,
I have a heart of silicon.

Who gets to fly, the people make the choice,
But I shoot down those, who stay above the noise.

When the world is to sleep, the world will wake,
But I will give to the ones, who can't take.

I live to be the balance,
To keep the world going on,
I am who defies the defiance,
I have a heart of silicon.

Coming Soon- "The Insomniac"
Cheers... ScreechDrummer