Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Maniac (H-to-O, "M", Poem by Screech)

so, I know I'm late with this one.
I edited and rendered the art for it, and then, I forgot to upload this.
Anyway, this is a poem that has been called "too personal" or "too real" by people who've read it before.
I'd say, read on, and form your own opinion! :D

The Maniac

"Here we go again."
She thinks as he approaches,
To speak to her, smiling wide,
She smiles back, to hide the frown built up inside.

"Why is he so different?"
She thinks as he greets her,
Meets her eyes, puts her at ease,
Let's her start the talk, and carries on to speak.

"Am I the only one?"
She thinks as he gazes dreamily,
Still smiling, trying to read her face,
She tries the same but can't read a trace.

"He's been trying at least."
She thinks as he looks beyond,
His eyes wandering, but coming back to her,
He was restless as always, it was clear.

"Something wrong?"
She asks him as he shakes his head,
"He always does that."
She thinks as he goes back,
In a dream but he still holds her eyes,
Speaking in auto-pilot about things she likes.

"Are you alright?"
She asks in worry as he says he's fine.
"He always says that."
She thinks as he says it back,
But his eyes say something else,
But what? She could never tell.

She's always confused,
He speaks in riddles,
She tries to solve them,
But gives up in the middle.
Hidden messages that she can never find,
Say that the maniac has loved her for a long time.

"I barely know him."
She thinks as silence holds them,
He's run out of things to talk about, he says,
She laughs at this common topic they share.

"At least he's not fake."
She thinks as he laughs with her,
His gaze now focused on her,
Carefully choosing his words,
To let her know he's going, and not to leave her hurt.

"Why is he never easy?"
She thinks as he walks away,
After saying an awkward goodbye,
He half turns, but doesn't look behind.

She turns away, her mind still on him,
As she resists the urge to turn around,
She shakes her head, clearing her thoughts,
And goes on with her life, till the maniac makes another call.

keep a lookout for the next one- Neanic Passion
Cheers... ScreechDrummer

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