Sunday, August 14, 2016

Overhaul (Announcement of H-to-O and more... by Screech)

Hello readers of the blog.
It's been a long year since I've been away from here, BUT, I have been working on something.
I was not in a good place mentally when I posted the last chapter of Christmas Missile (which has been removed, I'll get to that in a second) but, I've been working on "H-to-O" and another story as I've mentioned before.
First things first, The Christmas Missile will have to be scrapped, because, there was a fire in my house, which burned down my previous PC, which had all my future ideas about the stories and videos (for my YouTube channel). More info is in the video below.
In any case, the poems were backed up on my phone, so they were safe, mostly, other than the few of them which were saved in documents on my PC.
Now, leaving the worst behind, I moved on to complete what I had started, HtoO, which is a collection of poems and ballads starting from the letter H to the letter O. I begun work on this in November last year, but the ideas have been there for longer than that.

It's finally complete, it's done. I will be releasing them on this blog with their artwork (which are just public domain images and my editing mixed together :P )
So I hope you like the poems, and hope that you feel the emotions that you want to feel, thank you for still reading this blog, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.
So keep a lookout for the first two poems, "Heart Of Silicon" and "The Insomniac".

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