Saturday, January 4, 2014

The World Is Riding To Hell (POEM by SCREECH)

Hell-o and
Happy New Year readers!!!
sorry for this late update (again.. :P) I had said before...I wrote this really aggressive poem, about corruption inn the world and all...I'm finally uploading it...(after lot of editing)...
here it is!!!

"Eternal crime takes over the dead,
And blood thirst takes over the living,
Christmas trees are now snow covered missiles,
And people cook people for Thanksgiving.

As the dead lead the dead from the graves,
The leaders carry on their speeches,
One-by-one everyone is devoured,
And still they suck on like leeches.

The world is riding to hell, Or so they say,
But who is driving it forward? Head-on to despair?

There's corruption in anti-corruption, How do we know?
Because they reap everything, Even what they didn't sow.

So start the revolution, Bring out the rage,
Get the guns and bombs, Don't be a stupid sage,
The time has come, For us to turn the page,
And we shall light the fuse, To trigger the rampage!

Destroy their mansions! Excuses for homes!
Kill all the leaders! Feed dogs with their bones!

Choke them with their own lies!
because none will mourn after their demise!

Loan givers and loan sharks,
Radiation zones and hunting parks.
 The whole world becomes Chernobyl,
And everyone has the right to kill.

Survival makes us animals,
Makes us what we were meant to be.
Every animal for itself in apocalypse,
Systematic chaos and insanity!

The skies are red, With vapours of blood,
No planes are sen, Nor is any bird.

Wolves have gone from scavengers to hunters,
The weak flee from the open and hide in bunkers.

Sleep is a luxury, constant vigilance is needed,
Destroy the people by whom this hell was seeded!

The world is riding to hell, The kids still pray,
The people have voices, but nothing to say.

No sense of wrong or right,
And people start to lose their sight.

Breakout! The leaders are cold at heart!
Overthrow them and the chain reaction will start!

Hold On! Till the rain again falls!
Wake Up! Post-Apocalypse calls..."

that was it people...I should probably declare that I have nothing against any leaders whatsoever...this is just a post-apocalyptic situation in which the people blame leaders for their suffering...I don't think it resembles anything in real life (If it does, it's coincidental :P)...I'll also be uploading a story in the near future (have to think of a name) keep a lookout!!!

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