Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Ch 4

The four folks in front of me looked livid and angry. There was one with red hair who spoke to me," Do you have any idea who you messed with?" The dude looked as though he was trying to intimidate me. Wrong move, this only served to anger me even more."Like I even care! Why don't you tell me who I am messing with.", my voice boomed across the courtyard. The people around me were shocked, this included the guides who were with my group looked just as scared. The red haired guy smirked," Not only are you new hear but you're also pretty stupid. Well, let me enlighten you. Around here the strongest clan is the Littrager. No one goes against us."
Now these clowns were trying to scare me off. They were just getting on my nerves by the minute. The red haired dude looked like some kind of leader among the four of them, and was the dumbest among them. I lost my temper and I did something Arma warned me not to, I used my Alchemie Aura.
Let me explain the Alchemie aura to those who don't know. It is the aura that every alchemist has. But they very rarely use it in a fight. it is very difficult to master and was very risky to use. While you can stretch the boundaries of your element in this state but the damage caused by it can cause the death of a person or multiple people if it is unrestrained. I was at best a good alchemist and still could not completely control my aura.
Once I unleashed my aura the temperature of my surroundings dropped rapidly. Things got messed up real fast after that, real fast. I spoke loud enough to be heard by pretty much anyone in the court," I don't care which clan  you all are a part of. I'll give you four one chance to walk out of this in one piece, but if you want to fight I promise there will be blood, and that blood won't be mine it will be yours." my voice was like a growl. The four oppressors back up a bit. The decision they came to was to fight. All four of them charged at me at once. Two had swords in hand, one had an axe, while the fourth held a spear. I did the first that came to my mind. I let lose a torrent of ice shards and cold winds in their directions. It was like a stream of a blizzard. Not the whole thing just a part of it, but enough to cause frostbite. The one with a sword went down first. Khione took care of the one with the spear. It was a beautiful attack. She dived from a high altitude, her body was covered in the blue antiflame. The guy had no chance. He was too slow. She burst past his spear and hit him square in the chest. Ice encased his body rendering him immobile. The other two, I kept busy. I created two blades of ice, encased in the antiflame. They tried to stay away from them but were pitifully incompetent. The way they handled their weapons was way to amateurish. After training with Arma this seemed easy. Soon there were two unconscious bodies covered in ice in many parts, and two people fighting both me and Khione. They were cut in many areas and were bleeding, they were also frozen in some parts. The hard arrived soon. I was loosing control of my alchemie aura. The ice and antiflame were getting out of hand. If I didn't, someone might get seriously injured. That was when things changed. A blinding hot flame erupted around me melting the ice I had created, it even defrosted my frozen opponents. It even stopped me in an instant.
The source of the flame was ......... a teacher?! The man wore glasses. The air around him shimmered red. it was like he oozed out flames. I realized that he too was an alchemist, but one that controlled fire. He created a ball of fire in his hands and sent flying towards me. Before I could react I was hit. My Alchemie aura dispersed. I flew back quite the distance. The teacher stood in front of me glowering in anger. He spoke in a soft tone, but it felt like it was booming all across," You did something wrong, very wrong. You could have seriously harmed these students. They may have provoked you but that gave you no right to harm them." He hit me with a second flame. This time it was a slightly less hotter one but the first one had taken a lot out of me and the fight had drained considerably. I lost consciousness. My last thought as I lost me conscious was that was I hope I was not in too much trouble.


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