Monday, July 27, 2015

A Place Like Home (POEM by SCREECH)

as I said...two poems :D
this one was written back in April (soon after I wrote Hunt for My Life) but I wasn't able to finish it as well as I wanted to.. finally I did and here it is!!

Place Like Home

I've traveled across the seas,
And seen the world for what it holds,
But all I ever wanted,
Was right here at home.

Blinded by the glory,
I roamed the lands a hero,
But all the love I needed,
Was right here at home.

I thousand places, I did scorn,
And return once more, To where I was born.

Around the world,
I searched for a calling in Rome,
But the voice that I needed,
Was right here at home.

All across the world,
Are my statues built of chrome,
But all the sculptures I wanted,
Were right here at home.

Searching for love, I tried to see,
Too immersed to find, what was in front of me.

Everywhere I went,
I saw my name carved in stone,
But all the memories I had,
Were right here at home.

I walked in the heat,
And in the blistering cold,
But the clouds that I searched for,
Rained right here at home.

I travel these roads, I had once known,
These beautiful places, that I've outgrown.

I have roamed in cities,
To ensure recollection of my name,
But all the requiems I wanted,
Were right here at home.

I've slept in the green grass,
And beds made of gold,
But the dreams that I wanted,
Were right here at home.

I now lay myself to sleep, in my own abode,
 With dreams and memories both, reminding me of what I own.

so that's it...I was actually working on the last three stanzas and I figured it out recently :D
hope you enjoyed this one!
Christmas missile is next! Keep a lookout!! 

Glass Cannon (POEM by SCREECH)'s been 3 months?!?!
well I've not been very sincere have I?
well I'll actually post two poems as an apology, I'll also post two chapters of the Christmas Missile for good measure :P
hopefully you readers ain't mad.. :D
so *clears throat* about the poem.. well I've been watching a lot of CSGO lately, and a sniper without armor is called a Glass that got me thinking.. a sniper is a defender with no defense of his/her own (no armor) and this came up... ps: it has nothing to do with the game but if you want to look at it in context to it, then I won't say anything :P

Glass Cannon

I had a plan, in my mind,
Now it's broken and so am I,
As I try to improvise,
Acting happy to live a lie.

There was promise, there was life,
And now it's dead and so am I,
As I try to let it slide,
But play it up to just look fine.

There was a cause and it was sly,
But now it's just and so am I,
It doesn't work but still they try,
Shooting blind but aiming high.

There was dark and none anigh,
But it was awake and so was I,
Thinking where it had gone wry,
Counting every day with a sigh.

There was suffering there was pain,
And a strong will to remain,
So I sat there to allay,
A glass cannon firing away.

There was sadness and retreat,
There was bitterness and sweet,
But that's old and so am I,
Still listening to my heart beat.

There was a woman, there was a tune,
There was music that was jejune,
But that's the past and so am I,
Like a beautiful Brigadoon.

There was hatred, there was abuse,
There were choices I had to choose,
But those are history and so am I,
As I aim and then let loose.

There was cold and there was snow,
There were bullets that were aflow,
But it went on and so did I,
Fighting uphill through the throe.

The red sun rose so slow,
As I looked at the alpenglow,
If it was over and no more,
Then I really wasn't sure.

There was fear of being astray,
But I knew where my shards lay,
There were stories of the day,
A glass cannon was firing away...

yeahh...pretty cool huh?
even I was surprised.. I haven't been able to write as I always did before... this is one I'm proud of after a long long I hope you enjoyed it! keep a lookout for more!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hunt For My Life (POEM by SCREECH)

I'm baaaaaack!!
well.. this poem was actually supposed to be up on Valentine's Day, but I couldn't complete it by then and I kept trying to make it just a little bit more perfect...but finally I gave up on it and let it stay the way it here it is...just how I completed it...

Hunt For My Life

I've been searching for myself,
And I found me in your eyes...

Everything seems so bright,
Will you shelter me in your heart?

Suddenly I've found everything,
Will you let me get lost in your eyes?
Suddenly everything seems so quiet,
Can you break the silence with your voice?

Everything seems so calm,
Can you blow me away with your breath?

If I'm wide awake and scared,
Would you sing me back to sleep?
If someday I become too shallow,
Will you take me back to the deep?

Suddenly I've become cold as ice,
Can you make me feel warm again?

If I have no place to be,
Will you keep me in your dreams?
If I'm alone and broken,
Would you make me part of your destiny?

If someday I become the devil,
Will you be my angel?
If I hang my dreams up on the walls,
Will you hang your hopes as well?

If someday I whisper to you,
Will you listen to my secrets?
If someday I am called away,
Will you wait with no regrets?

If I look out into the crowd,
Will you smile right back at me?
If I ever asked you for aid,
Will you help me be all I can be?

I've been hunting for my life
And I found it in your smile.
Tell me will you fly with me till the end?
I've been searching for myself
And found me in your eyes.
Will you walk with me for eternity?

If you're walking down an empty road,
I'd be there walking next to you.
If you're gonna walk through fire,
I'll walk through it with you.

If someday you're in the dark,
I'll stay by you with a light.
If someday you start giving up,
I'll first try to understand why.

Suddenly if you feel down low,
I'll lift your spirits up high.
Suddenly if you feel derailed,
I'll breathe-in your every sigh.

If someday your dreams turn
Into nightmares I will fight them.

If someday your words turn
To poison I will digest them.

If someday your eyes see
Pain then I will hide them.

And if someday you turn to leave,
I'll quietly say goodbye then.

But I've been hunting for my life
And I found it in your smile...

so...that was it...pretty intense huh? yeah...
btw the last line "I'll quietly say goodbye then" does not mean that He(or whoever) does not care or does not want to win the other back somehow, it's just that the person wants the other to be happy and if being away helps, then so be it....Just wanted to clarify that before anyone points it out...
anyway...I hope you enjoyed the poem.. I've written one after a LONG LONG time and it feels amazing to be writing stuff like this again...
so keep a lookout for future stuff yeah?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sleepless Daze (POEM by SCREECH)

Howdy readers!!!
I just realized how long it has been since I've posted on the blog... I haven't been writing that much lately, coz, you, different lifestyle, less time and what not...
anyway...I've been writing more for the past 3 weeks or so..and I really wanted to post this earlier, but something or the other kept coming up... it is!!! (and yes... the title IS a pun)

Sleepless Daze

My mind is running in overdrive,
My brain is  running on fumes,
I'm trapped in a house with no doors,
But a million different rooms.

My thoughts are working overtime,
Talking to these fools,
My body is in automation,
Under influencing rules.

And all of my love has grown old,
And everything has turned too cold.

In a sleepless daze,
I'm spending sleepless nights.

Everyday is a blur,
Just watching the whole world burn.

In a sleepless daze,
I'm holding on too tight.

Everyday is a blur,
Just watching the whole world burn.

Hysteresis of mind and soul,
Is killing me inside,
I'm on a road with no signs,
And the lights all in disguise.

All the dreams of my past,
Are calling out to me,
This melody, this ecstasy,
Taking me to extremities.

And my spirits have grown old,
And all my memories have turned cold.

In a sleepless daze,
I'm spending sleepless nights.

Everyday is a blur,
Just watching the whole world burn.

In a sleepless daze,
I'm holding on too tight.

Everyday is a blur,
Just watching the whole world burn.

In a sleepless daze... I've got no will to fight...
In a sleepless daze... As dreams fill up the skies...
I'm holding on too tight... Holding on to darkness...
I'm spending sleepless nights... As the daylight dies... that was that...about insomnia mainly...but it can be taken in any way you want my dear reader...thanks for reading!!!
and I'll be posting Christmas missile keep a lookout!!