Saturday, January 23, 2021

Of Princesses and Cigarettes (Screech)


Of Princesses and Cigarettes

Rebels without a cause,

With energy that could carry an army.

Outlets and outsources,

Giving away and taking in codes,

Fauning over leaves in hordes,

Lighting up the ways of directors' boards.

Secrets and cigarettes,

That much I have seen for sure,

There's vices and crave for gimlets,

They look to be all so pure.

There was some spark,

No, not from a lighter.

I'm talking about the start,

There was a matter of heart.

Seeked a hand in darkness,

Held on to not so dear,

When the lights were hit,

There was no trace of fear.

Suspicion was seemingly the doubt,

Decisions would never even come about.

After all this time, it's worse than normal,

The legends were crime, the curse was for null.

So temporary,

Such a lack of consistency,

No fight, no flight,

What an eternal purgatory.

It was like a sibling rivalry,

No clue of what had transpired,

Reading through the riding cavalry,

Reading into things was wired.

The past was never clear,

The way of the wise was beer.

Though some would say it's whiskey,

That stole the cake before she missed me.

The malts and pints had nothing on pure spirit,

The future was dead, I was the one to guillotine it.

The aged had their tastes, they couldn't change more than their fates.

Sealed were the destinies, child-like innocence can rest in peace.

Like Dual Berettas, shots were fired,

Call a bet, I was painted a liar.

Like fuel to the fire, nitrous oxide was poured,

A laughing stock, smiles wide, was my world.

Gravitated towards the other like heatseekers,

Entwined together with tales from the past,

As days ran further they ran deeper,

A temporary shelter, it wasn't made to last.

Fountains of wine could not drown the sorrows,

Gallons of rum could not wash away the pain,

Oh, how the fine spirits started to run low,

Intoxication was not to be found in the rain.

The distaste showed in everyday,

The history showed in every moment,

The possibilities were akin to fairy tales,

Hollywood endings sighed in every lament.

Sleepless nights were spent,

Seasoned high with resent,

Stories told and sent,

Songs sung with dement.

None of it was ever fed,

Lost it all to the dead instead,

Gun pointed to my head,

Longing for the pointed lead.

Like I said when I was the man of the hour,

Processes parted with power,

Forgot to mention, and no one confessed,

There was one imposter among us, princess.

Waves of happiness and drinking games,

Not enough anymore, just more of the same.

Working from home, there's no one to blame,

Killing time is timeless, all that changes are names.

Not the only ones riding the blue waves under the sun,

Until the black clouds came out, and then went on a run.

The grayness was painted, the sea was naught,

Slowly but surely, the waves started to rot.

Newness was discovered sometime in between,

But it didn't cover a lot, probably tore at the seams.

It's all come to a gigantic end,

Finally it's quits, no time to pretend.

Seems to me that pieces taken cannot be returned,

Let's get into it never, this court is eternally adjourned.

Escape (Screech)



Two revolutions before the virus that killed,

I ran away into the north,

I ran to the hills.

Beyond the walls of constriction, the prison,

Did not know the aura of unrestriction, I felt risen.

Left my soul behind,
But my soul never felt so alive.

The days sped as they went by,

Memories are all that are left inside.

A place of worship, near a place of smog,

It felt oddly calm, though I don’t claim a god.

From the midnight meal, to the morning tea,

I was scared I might feel like I was home and free.

The day we saw where willow and leather reached new heights,

We walked along the edges in the dark of the night.

We waited while waning warmth was wasted,

But it was worth the while for the food we tasted.

As we left the perch, it was weird to call,

Something was off, like sprinting from a crawl.

The rays of the morning sun could not curb the uneasy feeling I had in my throat,

During the sprint from a mountain to another,

My insides churned by the force of centrifugal,

Like the mighty dragon slayer in a vehicle,

I could not move even a muscle.

We decided to head up and come back around,

To see the sun glitz on the snow-packed ground,

I told them I could not continue, I came back from halfway through,

In hindsight though, I avoided a dreaded serpentine route.

But I had my own adventures,

Contrary to the belief of the mount rangers,

A tenderfoot could not walk their road,

But I fleeted back to our interim abode.

The way back to the pit-stop was a trip,

I went down to the river, like Charlotte said,

Stopped to eat for a bit and drank a sip,

Kept walking, a believer, back to bar and bed.

Rested my feet, my bruises, and my aching legs,

On morsels and pieces, I feasted, and slept content.

On the other side of the levee,

Was the pride and the prejudice of many,

The people flocked around and praised,

But we walked along unfazed.

As the sun drowned behind the mountains,

We trodded among stars inside the fountains,

Found a quiet place, and a sanctum,

We stayed, listening to the chants sung.

Meditating in bliss,

A strange vibe woke me from my slumber.

In the room, a captivating presence,

Left me speechless.

I followed the vibrance, under its spell,

But lost its radiance amongst the bells.

Love was in the air, or was I sick?

But it was apparent that it was true.

I sat in a sad machine, with my music,

Staring at the snowy peaks in the distant hue.

I got lost in the breeze and the light,

I could whisper to the moon and the stars.

Even in thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit,

I could sit and talk to them for hours.

We explored the hills where scenes were shot,

From orchards of apples, to parking lots,

Searched for purple, danced to tunes,

Broke through scruples, ran on fumes,

We split as we travelled, and split two rooms.

Through the roads, the trains, the flights, and the pain,

I missed the subtle feeling of the rain,

Strangely though, there was no remorse,

I felt happy going back to where I belonged.

But I can't shake this strange feeling,

That I'll go back to the range of healing.

Sooner or later, it'll be time once more,

To talk to the sky as I did once before.

LOVE (Screech)


It started off selfish,
But I've never felt more true.
I've stuck with you,
And we've seen so much through.

I'll admit, it was rough,

We both were scared of love.

But I saw a depth in you,

Staring right at me up above.

I thought I'd use some crazy words,

But being prepared is not what I want.

This is a message that I'm sending straight to you,

So what the hell, it's best to keep it raw.

Oh, my love,

You took my words and built on it,

It's so weirdly me and it's so you,

You don't know how I've craved for it.

There's me in you and there's you in me,

Like the sails on a ship and blue in the sea,

You're my inspiration, you're my night sky,

Our life is a canvas, and the paints never run dry.

Oh baby, take my side,

In my bed and in my life.

I want to know your mind,

I want to hear you think.

Be my better half, my darling,

Take the next step, be my everything.

Put your shoes under my desk,

Wear my t-shirts and my jackets,

I'm all yours, and you're all mine,

Wake up next to me all the time.

I want to show you my world,

Look into my eyes and you'll see.

Oh honey, we both are mirrors,

It's like I am you and you are me.

I don't want to fight you,

I want you to be great.

See my dreams about you,

Wake up to a better day.

For the first time,

I am more than just myself,

I have more than what's mine,

Our love is in my every line.

You're my gravity,

You brought me back from outer space.

You're my clarity,

You've got me back to what I misplaced.

But there's a dark side to it.

Isn't there one for all things?

I think it's for balance,

What purpose would it serve otherwise?

I try not to talk about it,

For I know it's very upsetting,

But nothing seems to be done right,

Why else wouldn't I say otherwise?

I'd say you get used to it,

But we both know those words are false.

I'd say you refuse to quit,

But we both grow towards our falls.

I see the struggle,

Too bad it's a necessity,

If you want something, do something,

No other truth is accessory.

If you don't want to, then you can tell me.

Don't keep me in the dark, it's not healthy.

It's okay, I won’t walk away.

Let's take a walk,

I will be right beside you.

I know you want me to talk,

I will, to see how it excites you.

And I'll hold your hand,

To the ends of the earth,

Through thick and thin,

Through the endless years,

I will fight alongside you.

Let's set a common alarm,

Let's cook our favorite foods.

Let's cuddle to keep warm,

Let's drink our favorite brews.

Let's watch random pastimes,

Let's put movies to set the mood.

Let's sleep whenever we're tired,

Let's put that alarm to snooze.

So this, I'll leave you,

I know it hurts right now, it's alright.

I spoke to the willow.

It won't be long,

Soon we'll build our world,

Soon we'll live our life.

I'll see you when I see you, my darling.

Till then, fight the worthy fight,

Don't give up on what's right.

Sweet dreams, my sweet partner in crime,

I love you my sleepyhead, good night.

Mother Willow: Bon Voyage (Screech)


Mother Willow: Bon Voyage

Oh mother willow, what have I seen?

I have more questions about where I've been.

I'm learning new things, but can't forget the old,

I feel static, and I'm afraid to grow bold.

I keep getting numb, the devil takes hold,

I know that I'm wrong, just like I foretold.

Come dear child, sit beside me,

I see you have returned, from an untroubled sea.

It was your vessel that was caught in an unending wave of terror,

You cannot sail forever.

Tell me, little one, how goes the tale of the weather?

Oh mother willow, what can I say?

I've been toiling for days.

But now I'm forced to stop,

Just when the mud was taking shape.

Carefully crafted carnage could curb!

How is this worse when all was said and done?

It's how I imagined my war would end,

With me in a wasteland.

I had hoped for someone to be by my side,

Somebody who could hear my cries,

Somebody who could see my disguise.

Little one, I sense that you have found them,

And that you were forced away, by forces beyond your control.

Do not be distraught, this has no permanence,

I know that your wars are not what trouble you,

Tell me, what seems to have you tense?

Mother willow, it is the way I treat them,

I seem to lose focus, and I try to besiege them.

I know it's not what should be done,

And I don't know where it comes from.

I know I'm not that way,

It's unlike me to throw such tantrums.

Oh dear child, do not fret over it much,

These pains tend to happen, and they shall happen as such.

You have always walked alone, you have to learn to walk together,

And I know you will remember, to be wary of the weather.

But mother Willow, I've left my world behind,

I cannot take it with me, I fear I might turn blind.

What I know is far gone, what I face is new,

To be part of this world, I cannot possibly stay true.

My child, both your worlds will collide,

If what you say is true, then you don't have to sacrifice.

What you have is greater than what you feel,

Keep that in mind, do not be afraid to take a knee.

But remember where you both stand,

Do not lose sight when you go unplanned,

For it is what you craved.

Now, tell me, how have you behaved?

Oh Mother Willow,

I was selfish, I was too far gone,

I was stupid, I was so forlorn.

I don't know why I wanted to win,

It didn't matter in the end, I committed a sin.

I broke my promise to myself,

And I did what I never should.

My words capsized the ship,

In ways that no weather could.

My dear child, you ship has not sunk,

It stands strong, it was built from my trunk,

You still have time to set sail again,

But remember to remember about the snow and rain.

The weather can be warm, the weather can be tough,

The seas can be calm, and the seas can be rough.

Unlearn your past, albeit just in parts,

Learn to love the change, learn to embrace the pain.

For hurt, it will, my little one,

You cannot have it both ways, you must choose a path to run.

But Mother Willow,

I'm scared of losing either!

I know I should be wiser,

I should be the decider!

But my heart doesn't allow that,

I feel like I cause it all to go bad.

I'm stuck in my ways,

And I don't know how to bridge the gap.

I've learnt much, and I agree,

But I'm still scared of the deep blue sea.

I can't sink, I can't swim,

I can't drown, and I can't win.

I'm sure of being unsure,

I'm locking an unlocked door.

Days go by everyday,

Time flies and seasons pass by like trains.

Yet, I feel numb,

Like my smartness is dumb.

My knowledge was my strength once,

But I'm questioning everything I know.

Oh little one, do not fret so,

You are still a child, do not let go.

There is much to learn, there is much to see,

Oceans and landmasses, and a life that is free.

The sun, the stars, and the moonlight,

The darkness beyond, and the blue sky,

The trees, the grass, and the circle of life.

And the part that you pay in everything,

You must learn to trust.

You must learn to look for what matters the most.

You know nothing is fair, that life can be unjust,

But you must dig on, you just cracked the crust.