Saturday, December 15, 2018

Singularity (Poem by Screech)

"Singularity", it is a recent favorite word of mine. It resides at the center of a black-hole, where gravity is seemingly infinite. Now that doesn't mean that it can't mean anything else...

My take is, that when two entities collide, such as to destroy each other, what remains is a singularity that consumes everything around it, and never stops. But what of the entities?

What if they survive this whole infinite gravity ordeal? Can they ever escape it? Or will they be consumed by what they themselves have created?

I don't have the answer, at least not for both sides, celestial science is beyond me :P
But do read on...


It's come to this,
Universes collide,
Dark matter divides,
A singularity survives.

You were right, it's over,
My three leaf clover,
Hard luck, hard time,
It's just this fate of mine.

It's funny,
We never really talked about it.
Predictable mystery since day one,
It was not about me now, was it?

You see, I'm a decaying danger,
This half-life, it is not stranger,
I've been here before,
I'll be here again.
Changing one life at a time,
And leaving bittersweet pain.
You see, I'm a miser,
But there is none wiser,
I've done this before,
I'll do it again.
But I'll be gone far now,
So I tip my hat and take a bow.

Time here takes its toll,
Don't worry, I won't tell a soul.
Not directly, at least,
My words are always what they seem.
But nobody pays much attention,
If they do, they're worth the trust and ascension.

It's clear,
I was broken, so were you.
I fixed them, you ignored.
I've said this all before.
It's not some dragon's lore.
But you're an angel, go be free.
Spread your wings, fly with glee.
Just make sure,
Your eyes are open to see.
Play fair, it's not going to be easy.

Oh you saw this coming,
Didn't ya?
You thought it was all about you,
Didn't ya?
Thought it was anything but real,
Didn't ya?
How's it feel now?
Going up and about,
Running on without,
Lost in this wasteland,
Of sand dunes of doubt?

I tried, and I still can.
But I'm done,
It's not worth it, it's dumb.
I tried to bring you up,
But you're just too plain,
To understand what you've lost,
And what it is you've gained.
None can change what I have.
None can even come close,
To what I've had.
I'm glad.
It was too much and I'll be gone,
Before you can even say,
“cease the happiness”,
Or cutback.

It's expensive as all hell,
Neutron stars and quantum spells.
All that matters is dark,
Nuclear fusion and fission,
Fire and sparks,
It can be destructive,
It can light up the night.
But it can be beautiful,
If you do it right.
A warm glow, an eternal delight.
It's science, it's magic,
It's wholesome, it's tragic.
Next time, don't destroy the core,
The crux, the thing that makes it whole.

There's no right, there's no wrong,
Honey, you can't win em all.
Stay simple, stay humble.
Stay out of trouble.
Maybe once in a while, think of the calls,
Then go back on your merry way,
Blow out another bubble.

I leave you here,
I'm going into the ocean,
I'll be falling in slow motion.
Don't let your dreams shrink,
If you're overwhelmed, stop and think,
Don't wait at the brink,
Don't blink.
If you're gonna go,
Throw in everything (even the kitchen sink).

Keep your fire burning,
Keep your head in touch.
Try not to worry too much.
You'll be fine, you're strong,
It'll be all too good.
Keep on keeping on.

Cheers... ScreechDrummer

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Lucky Me (Poem by Screech)

Oh... what is this? A new poem so soon? Well, to be honest it's half a poem and it's not exactly great. But, it is what it is :P

It's somewhat connected to Best of Both Worlds from The Rebel is Not Dead collection. It is also heavily inspired by Eminem's Kamikaze album in terms of the structure and word usage, because I've been listening to that a lot.

Anyway, do read on...

Lucky Me

I used to listen, maybe I still can.
Can't do much else to help what I can't stand.
Quarter cent, oh joy oh glory,
Half the decade I played judge and jury.
Now I'm the executioner, what do you know,
Trust as far as you can throw,
Not too much though, right, oops.
That's right, I'm wrong.
Been played like a pawn,
Holding up, growing horns,
Don't say I didn't try to warn,
You thought i was angry and forlorn?
Nope, I just moved on,
I didn't think that i belonged,
Still I stayed, hoping for,
Some change but that's too far,
Let's just sound the alarm.
“oh my God, he's gone mad”
No, I'm just a moron.
Eat, sleep, work, repeat,
I've lost my mind but what's the deal,
“Pfft, he's just an idiot, you see,
He tries even in defeat.”
Not anymore, I'm done.
My head can't take much more.
I tried to solve but you ignored.
It's your game, you can score,
Not my problem, never was,
I guess I'll just shut up like before.
While you eat each other up,
Making me watch all the gore,
You don't know what's in store,
Guess you'll just have to make sure,
That I never interfere,
It's not my place to drink your beer,
I'm not trying to displace you,
I won't even come near.
Glitch the system, Start a fight,
Counselling sesh sound about right,
Where the psych splits his head,
And lays right where he bled,
Until next time the world needs saving,
And he's back from the dead still flailing,
Talking shit, being dumb,
Hoping to solve the same problem.
Nobody is innocent here,
Don't you dare play the victim.
It's everyone at fault,
So don't cry and call it “afflicted”.
Go on, get addicted.
I'm done being the one to fix it.
Have a nice life,
I'm taking all the venom.
Congrats, keep it up,
Let it all be known.
That i was the fool,
Who tried to do this on my own.
Thanks for nothing,
Keep your sorrow,
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.
Who cares anyway,
Not me, I don't think.
Anyway, salutations,
I'll make myself a drink.

You won, the rebel's dead,
You won, I've got a heart of lead,
You won, I'm finally free,
Lucky you, you made lucky me.

Cheers... ScreechDrummer