Saturday, December 2, 2017

Tranquility (The Dark Side of The Star) (Poem by Screech)

There was a poem, which I consider one of my best works.
It's called "Lady of The Stars" and it was part of H-to-O, a collection of poems I'd posted on this blog before.
I felt like it required a sequel, let's say because of evolution, which should be something like a closer, so here it is.

The reason for the dates before stanzas is because I wanted this poem to be like a series of diary entries, so I just gave the dates on which I wrote the respective stanzas.

Off-late my poems have become "personal", if that's the right word, so there are a lot of references in them related specifically to me, but regardless of those, this is something that is relatable, or at least I hope it is :P.

So here it is, the final chapter in the saga (yes, that's an Eminem reference. Though this isn't a saga, it's a two part series like... you get the point)

Tranquility (The Dark Side of The Star)

1st November

The mask fell off today,
And behind it I saw,
A troubled young lass,
With dreams of a bright tomorrow.

Go a little overboard,
It’s all I needed,
To see and to show,
What I’d meant those days ago.

A small taste,
Of whom I’d fallen for,
I had it again today.

It was a train wreck of nostalgia,
And yet I found myself static,
I had to push her away.

It’s almost time.
But what will happen then?
It’s so scary,
To even think about it.

She is the brightest light,
And no one sees
The darkness she’s hidden away.
It seems a myth to most,
Nothing but a theory,
About the dark side of the star.
Her eyes did tell,
A different tale,
They screamed calling out my name.
To most it was nothing,
Just another woven story,
About the dark side of the star.

4th November

Her sun-kissed locks,
Now grown out,
Have taken her natural flair.
With hints of the old gold,
Radiant as always,
They still drive me insane.

I had taken a decision,
To keep my distance, stay away,
Because I was vulnerable around her,
Like Mrs Cold from that one song I always play.

Her? Oh, she’s clueless,
She’s got no idea what’s in my head.
It’s hard to explain,
And probably harder to digest,
Haunting, even, some would say.
So, I’ve kept it a secret,
From nobody but her,
From fear of what she’ll think.
But it’s hard to resist being with her,
It’s more addictive than cocaine.

8th November

Every once in a while,
We have those deep talks,
She knows exactly what I need to hear.
It used to happen every day,
But I’m glad it’s not so,
For her, mainly, she needs her space.

She sits next to me at times,
I remember lulling her to sleep today,
Running my fingers through her hair.
Big data analytics had tired her head
And she wanted five more minutes to rest.

She was the happiest around,
And no one saw,
Th frustration she’d hidden away.
It was a joke to most,
Nothing but a fib,
About the dark side of the star.
Her words to me,
Spoke a different prose,
Through my insanity they made sense.
To me they were gospel,
Like a moment of eureka,
A glimpse, a portal,
To the dark side of the star.

I see so much potential in her,
And she’s kept growing and growing and growing,
There’s a lot more for her in store,
I’m sure,
She’ll reach wherever she wants to be.

9th November

She says she wants to spread her wings,
Move away, fend for herself,
Study people’s heads,
Now that would be something to see.

She helped a lost soul today,
I was with them all along,
Her words kept me mesmerized,
But her eyes were what told me so much more.

Chipping away at the surface,
Her mind is still trying to explore,
It’s reaches, it’s depths
And just how far it can go.

10th November

I let her down today,
Went somewhere I didn’t know,
Drank away to my regret,
But none of it was any help.

I told her I’d made mistakes,
She said it’s okay,
But she doesn’t know,
Couple years I’ve been this way.

Today was a revelation,
A long overdue realization,
Crazy as it sounds,
It wasn’t me who made most decisions.

13th November

My mind wasn’t mine.
The other lost soul,
Had taken some control.
I told her that,
And like always she helped me,
But this was the last time,
Of my own accord.

It’s over,
It’s done,
She knows.
That’s all I wanted.

She smiled,
When I told her,
She had an idea,
She wasn’t clueless after all.

I didn’t expect anything,
I was right in doing so,
All these days had been like a preparation,
For me to let go.

Maybe we’d meet
On the other side
Or maybe not.
That’s on destiny,
Not on me.

This is the last I’ll write on this,
Like a captain’s log, I’ll save it.
The world knows now
And so does she,
It’s like experiencing tranquility.

The people still don’t know though,
Most don’t anyway,
As to why I fell the way I did.
They think of me as delusional,
Nothing but a maniac,
Looking for the dark side of the star.

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