Friday, February 14, 2014

The Heart Of A Fossil (Valentine's Day Special POEM by SCREECH)

HELL-O again readers!!!
this is the second poem today for Valentine's day...

"When I slept, I had a dream of you,
That you would come and save my soul,
That you would make my heart whole.

When I woke up, You were there,
'I love you' I had said,
Your cheeks blushed like the Valentine's roses red.

When you touched me,
I felt an electric jolt rush through,
Your words held a love that was true.

When our lips met,
I saw the whole world with my eyes closed,
And your love for me was disclosed.

When we walked,
On the beach hand-in-hand,
Leaving footprints in the sand,

I realised...

That you made the heart of a fossil beat,
You made the lungs of a fossil breathe,
You made me proud that we ever met,
You made me say things I never said.

When we lay down on the river bed,
Counting stars till the crack of dawn,
I realized that I was being led,
To a place where we dance to our love's song.

They say, love is in the air,
They say, love is everywhere,
They say, love is always there,
They say that, to love is to care.

And...You made the heart of a fossil beat,
You made the lungs of a fossil breathe,
You made me proud that we ever met,
You made me say things I never said."
so that was it fellas!!!
Happy Valentine's day to everyone!!!
and here's a witty phrase for today...SCORE WELL!!! :P :P

One More Dance (Valentine's Day special POEM by SCREECH)

It's Valentine's Day and here is one of my two poems for today!!!

"The dim light in the bar,
With you across the table,
But still you seem so far,
Like you are at the end of my fable.

I try to hold your hand,
But the wine glass doesn't let me,
Your face is behind the candle,
Like this wasn't meant to be.

So let's head to the dance floor,
Let's have a great time,
It maybe the last (but who cares),
So let's make it worth the while.

Let's do one more dance,
To the sound of our heart beats,
Let's get them beating faster,
Let us turn up the heat.

I'll let our eyes burn into each other,
With the fire that burns between us,
And we'll be under the same spotlight,
And we'll dance like nobody else does.

The feeling strong between two minds,
The super-conscious connection of two souls,
We are two coins that landed on the same side,
And still for you my love howls.

So let's spend the light on this dance floor,
Then I'll walk you through your front door,
But till then we'll stay high on tequila,
And tear up the streets and watch them burn.

Let's do one more dance,
To the heart beat in our ears,
Let us lose control,
Never stop moving our gears.

We're in the same train, And on the right track,
And we'll never let go, As a matter of fact,
So let's dance for what this night's worth,
So that when the morning comes,
We face a re-birth."
so that was it guys!!
Read the other poem too, called The Heart Of A Fossil...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Air of a King Ch 9 (STORY by SHADOWHEART)

Sorry for the huge gap between chapters. So I hope this chapter makes up for it.

Chapter 9

The entire club was accumulated around the center court. It was the first of the numerous challenges that were to come over the duration of the camp. To the entire club the first one was like a flare for the ones to come. To elevate matters, the first showdown was between the ace of the second years Jaque and the ace of the main team and first years, namely me Raiju Knight.
Jaque was already waiting on the court. His face made it very clear that he had no respect for me. He spoke with a jeer on his face," So you decide to grace us with your presence, huh, Knight." I let the insult pass. For I had decided to give all my answers to him over the course of the game. Coach entered the court at the same time I did. He spoke with a crisp, clear voice that could be heard by anyone in the gymnasium." Alright boys. I want a clean and fair game. No fouls, especially you Jaque. The game will be a fifteen minutes one-on -one. Points system of a game applies. Jaque, you get first offence, Knight you will start with defense.The one who shoots loses the ball. Am I clear?" I nodded in acknowledgement, and so did my opponent. I wasn't very happy with not getting the first offence but I didn't let it show. I wasn't going to give an inch of satisfaction to my opponent. Coach blew the whistle, and the game began. Jaque turned out to be quite the technical player. His dribbling was pretty good and he kept to a very slow pace. Almost like a fox hiding in his den waiting to strike. I must say he was really good. But in the end that's all he was. While i couldn't steel the ball I didn't let him get past me. No matter what he tried I wasn't going to let him get under the basket. For almost five minutes this stalemate continued. I know it sounds pretty tame, but it wasn't. rather than two beasts trying to beat each other, it was more like a game of chess. He would try and get past me and I would block him the best I could. Both of us were losing our patience but the one to break was him. he tried to force he through and took a hasty shot. This shot marked the end of the stalemate. Since the shot was a hasty one, it rebounded off the rim of the basket. I got the ball. I did what came to me naturally I took a shot. Which went in. The ball went back to my opponent, but by this time he had no chance. I knew his rhythm. It was simple enough. The next exchange was very short. Every exchange between us kept getting shorter for he had no other strategy other than this one. I didn't start with ball possession even once for I stole the ball from my opponent every time and scored points. His eyes no longer had the arrogant and haughty expression it had. His eyes only had desperation written on them now. At the end of 15 minutes he was still scoreless while I was ahead by 18 points. Coach blew the whistle marking the end of the game, but no one cheered. No one had heart to tell the loser that it was a good game. I didn't hold back, not one bit. Some might say that I was cruel but this was something I had to do. It was the quickest way to establish my role as the ace of the Empire. It was a message to anyone who wanted my seat, the jersey number 6. This position is not up for grabs. I walked back to my teammates, they were the only ones smiling in the crowd. King was sitting towel over his head as he prepared for his game. I patted him on his shoulder and said," The opening statement has been made captain. I think it's time the King showed his prowess to the rest of the Empire." he stood up. He was ready his eyes said it all.  On  the opposite side of the court his opponent, Kaiser stood up as well. As they both walked down to center stage, it truly looked like a showdown between kings. A question popped in my mind,"Who is going to win,........, The chosen King or the Usurper?"


Friday, February 7, 2014

I'll Be Back Home (POEM by SCREECH)

HELL-O readers!!!
I'm back with another just randomly came to me, you know, soldier's love and all... I really dunno why I wrote it...but here goes

"As you face questions,
I face bullets.
As you hear my voice,
I hear turrets.
As you see meadows,
I see death.
As you believe in me,
I believe in faith.

Scared to see my brothers die,
But scared even more to see you cry,
Losing grip on this reality,
Driving myself to insanity.

Trying not to melt in the rain,
To reach back to you while I'm sane,
To make you feel safe again,
To rid you of all your pain.

As you fight with your emotions,
I fight with these guns.
As you burn with loneliness,
I burn under a thousand suns.
As you keep writing letters,
I keep writing sonnets.
As you want to leave this life,
I want to leave this nest of hornets.

I'll soon be back to dance with you,
To tuck your hair behind your ears.
I'll return soon to hold you close,
To bring your happiness out of fears.

I'll be home to lock my fingers with yours,
To make up for when I was away,
I'll be home to cook for you,
To answer all your prayers.

Right now you're the moon,
And I'm your wolverine.
But we'll soon be together,
Our love is so serene."

yup...that's it fellas...I really don't know how to explain this poem, it's pretty straight I guess...hope you liked it...I'll post ch.03 of my story soon... so keep a lookout!!